Foodie User, seller & driver complete app for in flutter

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by FreakTemplate
Foodie User, seller & driver complete app for in flutter Flutter  Mobile Full Applications


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Username :
Password : 123





Foodie User, seller & driver complete app for in flutter is a clone app of Swiggy, zomato, Uber eats like apps. User can place order and get food deliver at home.

You can find nearest restaurant around you or we powerful search tool to search restaurant and select menu with extra options or ingredient. Verity of payment options included with order tracking and delivery boy tracking features.

    Application features :

  1. List of Nearby Restaurant
    • With Popular Restaurant
    • With Best Offer Restaurant 
  2. List of Categories on home page
  3. Search based on Location 
  4. Filter Options
    • Filter by categories
    • Filter by Ratings
    • Filter by Cost
    • Filter by Delivery time
  5. Restaurant Detail page
    • Restaurant name
    • categories of Restaurant 
    • Ratings of Restaurant
    • Offers of Restaurant
    • Address, Delivery time
    • Open closing Time
    • Categorised list of menu items
    • Categorised Option list in Menu item
    • Add to cart option
    • Show cart total on same page
    • Add Restaurant as Favourite
  6. Cart page
    • List of
    • Remove item from cart
    • Apply Coupon code
    • Delivery charges
    • Plus Tax and Discount
  7. Check Out page
    • Home Delivery & Pickup Options
    • Select Delivery location
    • List of delivery location
    • Cash On delivery
    • Different payment Methods
  8. Payment Methods
    • Cash on delivery
    • Braintree
    • PayStack
    • RazorPay
    • Rave
  9. Order success page
    • Current status of order
    • Order id with order amount
    • List of items in order
    • Complete information of Tax, Delivery charges & discount
    • Track Delivery boy option  
  10. Offer page – Offer with coupon code
  11. User’s Order history 
  12. User’s favourite restaurant list<
  13. User Profile
  1. List of Nearby Restaurant
    • With Popular Restaurant
    • With Best Offer Restaurant 
  2. List of Categories on home page
  3. Search based on Location 
  4. Filter Options
    • Filter by categories
    • Filter by Ratings
    • Filter by Cost
    • Filter by Delivery time
  5. Restaurant Detail page
    • Restaurant name
    • categories of Restaurant 
    • Ratings of Restaurant
    • Offers of Restaurant
    • Address, Delivery time
    • Open closing Time
    • Categorised list of menu items
    • Categorised Option list in Menu item
    • Add to cart option
    • Show cart total on same page
    • Add Restaurant as Favourite
  6. Cart page
    • List of
    • Remove item from cart
    • Apply Coupon code
    • Delivery charges
    • Plus Tax and Discount
  7. Check Out page
    • Home Delivery & Pickup Options
    • Select Delivery location
    • List of delivery location
    • Cash On delivery
    • Different payment Methods
  8. Payment Methods
    • Cash on delivery
    • Braintree
    • PayStack
    • RazorPay
    • Rave
  9. Order success page
    • Current status of order
    • Order id with order amount
    • List of items in order
    • Complete information of Tax, Delivery charges & discount
    • Track Delivery boy option  
  10. Offer page – Offer with coupon code
  11. User’s Order history 
  12. User’s favourite restaurant list<
  13. User Profile

Restaurant App Features: 

  1. Register from app
  2. Login from app
  3. Manage Daily Orders
    • Accept Reject Orders
    • Prepare Orders
  4. Mange profile
    • Restaurant Address
    • Open close timing
    • Delivery time
    • Restaurant Category
  5. Add Menu
    • Add Menu categories
    • Add Menu in categories
    • Add Option or Ingredient in menu
  6. Add Offers
    • Add Offer on menu
    • Add Offer on menu categories
    • Restrict Offers by setting minimum & maximum usage.
    • Add coupon code in offer
    • Add image in offer

Delivery Boy Features :

  1. Login as driver
  2. Register as driver
  3. Check all Orders assign by admin
  4. Driver can pickup order
  5. Driver can call user
  6. Driver get user’s pin point location
  7. Driver get restaurant’s pin point location
  8. Driver can deliver order.
  • Admin Panel Features :
    1. Admin Dashboard
      • Check list of Orders
      • Total Orders
      • Total Restaurant
      • Total user register in app
      • Total review user added
    2. Orders History :  check list of all Orders
    3. Restaurant List 
      • Approve Restaurant
      • Reject spam restaurant
    4. Assign order to driver
    5. Payment
      • Check pending payment to restaurant
      • Check last made payments
    6. User List register in app
    7. Delete spam User
    8. Add edit & delete categories
    9. Check Reviews added by user
    10. Get user complains on board
    11. Admin can send notification to user
    12. Notification setting for android & IOS 

    If you require any customisation or reskin application Design. Please contact us on we provide customisation or reskin at very reasonable cost.


    We will surely support you till the end, ask your queries.

    Product tags

      • 6 month free support included from author
      • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
      • 360 degrees quality control
      Secure payment & money back guarantee

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