FlutterUX-Best Flutter UI & UX source code solutions. FlutterUX is offering you best designed templates built using flutter & dart. You will get 19+ Splash screens, 25+ Login & Registaration forms and more. We will add new features, UI, compenents contiounuly, so when new updates will be available you will get notified.
Discount & Free QJobs Templates will be valid for first 19 sells, So Hurry!
Important Features in FlutterUX:
1. UI Elements 2. Snack Bar 3. Cards 4. Bottom Navigation Bar v Header/App Bar 5. Dialog Box 6. Buttons 7. Expansion Panel 8. Lists 9. Grid 10. Drawers 11. Pickers 12. Progress & Activity v Tab Bar 13. Search 14. Animation 15. Splash Screens 16. News & Articles 17. Login & Registration v Dashboard 18. Forms 19. Profile 20. Players
Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
Email: mail@codesolutions101.com Skype: CodeSolutions101
Code Solutions101 is the leading web & mobile app design & development company in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We specialize in developing professional websites and high-end mobile & web-based applications such as large scale e-Commerce, POS & ERP solutions.