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flutterap | flutter admin panel
you have more possibilities to build your own mobile, web, desktop apps with ready-made components based on admin panel.
Documentation and Links
see flutterap demo on:
About Flutterap
Flutterap is a product of years of work on the admin panel with different programming languages. One of the challenges we encountered was that libraries like React did not allow us to access the hardware in a single platform. As a result, we looked for a framework that would give us hardware access under one programming language and also be highly efficient. We found the Dart language and the Flutter framework and created Flutterap from it.
Flutterap path to the future:
We have decided to turn Flutterap into a special framework for app development that supports not only the admin panel, but also other applications. In this way, we need your trust and we are with you until the end.
Features (part of)
- layouts : responsive design with bootstrap method, for all screens.
- multi_language : Has English and Arabic languages.
- responsive: Support from phone screen to large monitors.
- Ability to change between dark and light mode in the panel
- hardware : Supporting communication with hardware such as printers and… .
- updating : The ability to upgrade and update components as simply as possible.
- skeleton : It has skeleton and folder structure for quick and structured start.
- bloc : use bloc pattern for restful api.
- typography : text widgets with responsive sizing for all screens.
- style : unique styling, similar to flutter, with customization.
- no complications : widgets are made in simplified and functional classes.
- platform tested : components have been tested on most platforms.
- support: product support and training and documentation for ease of work.
Is flutterap only for admin panel ?
Flutterap components are centered on the admin panel. But these components were initially used for mobile phones. So you can use them for any platform
Is flutterap only ready-made components ?
The good thing about flutterap is not only its ready components, but by using the provided folder structure, you no longer need to think about building the admin panel. You only have to think about your idea. We pave the way.
All in Fluttrap(for now)
Flutterap is a most developer-friendly & highly customizable admin dashboard template based on Flutter & . It comes with lots of features that make development easier for you.
- Developer Friendly
- Component & Pages
- Built-in Customizer
- Fully Responsive
- Well Documented
- Continuous Updates
- Active Support
Hardware communication
- Printer
- File saving
- Screenshot
- Notification
- Profile
- Bill
- Time line
- Price card
- Search Resault
- Map
- Time line
- Primary form
- Text editor
- Stepper form
- Validate form
- Advanced form
- Custom form
Advanced Components
- Tree list
- Toast message
- Tutorial
- Tooltip
- Sweet alert
- Media player
- Unlock screen
- Recover password
- Login
- Sign in
Flutterap provides an extensive collection of components.
- Accordion
- Alert
- Text
- Button
- Group button
- Label
- Bread crumb
- Page indicator
- Drop down button
- Color
- Simple tables
- Responsive tables
- Group list
- Progress bar
- Waiting indicator
- Tab bar navigator
- Navigation bar
- Avatar
- Light box
- Zoomable image
- Image cropper
- Modal
- Primary cards
- Scrollable cards
- Image cards
We will be happy to assist you so if you need any kind of support or fixes in this system feel free to contact us via our Our Portal.