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Flutter TODO | Task Management | Time Management | Planner App

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by codecanyon


Todo App in Flutter


  • Dark and Light Mode
  • Firebase Integration
  • Email and Password Authentication
  • Task Creation and Updation
  • Task Completion
  • Data Persistence
  • User Account Management
  • Animation Implemented


Our task management app features a sleek and contemporary interface, complete with a streamlined layout and easy-to-use navigation. Users can switch between dark and light mode to suit their preferences. Our app has already been implemented to work flawlessly on a variety of screen sizes and orientations, ensuring that you can manage your tasks with ease no matter where you are.

Technology Used:

  • Flutter Framework for UI Design and Development
  • Firebase Authentication for User Management and Authentication
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore for Data Persistence and Real-time Syncing
  • Provider Package for State Management


  1. Implement Firebase Authentication with Email and Password
  2. Create a Home Screen with a List of Tasks
  3. Allow Users to Create and Update Tasks
  4. Implement Task Completion
  5. Add Dark and Light Mode Support
  6. Implement Firebase Integration with Cloud Firestore

User Flow:

  1. User opens the app and sees the home screen with a list of tasks.
  2. User can create a new task by tapping on the “Plus button and entering a task name and due date.
  3. User can update a task by tapping on the task item.
  4. User can mark a task as complete by tapping on the task item.
  5. User can switch between dark and light mode by tapping on the settings icon.
  6. User can sign in or sign up using their email and password.
  7. User’s tasks are synced across devices in real-time.

Note: This is just an example, but it could serve as a starting point for building a more complex and feature-rich todo app in Flutter. Although It is an fully working todo app having own database but consider it as a starting point.


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