The aim of the project is to make a your own quiz application.You can add category and add questions to database using NodeJs backend application. The questions determined by category and difficulty are added. Quiz is created according to the difficulty and number of questions determined in the selected category. After marking all the questions, the results screen shows which questions are answered correctly, which questions are answered incorrectly, and the correct answers of the questions answered incorrectly. Project is based on 2 modules. These are UI made by Flutter and backend made by NodeJS.
Flutter UI Module Features
- Flutter&Dart
- Block Design Pattern
- Animated UI
- Asynchronous programming (Future Structure)
- Error Handling
- Clean Code and All Information About Project in the Readme file
NodeJs Backend Module Features
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- JWT Role Based Authentication
- LodashJs
- Asynchronous Programming(Then-Catch Structure)
- Error Management
- Sample Collection
- Clean Code
- The necessary informations for UI and backend are explained in detail in the readme files in the modules.
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