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Flutter HD Wallpaper - Online Wallpaper App With PHP Admin Panel | New Concept | Flutter

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by codecanyon


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Flutter HD Wallpaper App With PHP Admin Panel

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Flutter HD Wallpaper App With PHP Admin Panel

Demo Admin Panel PHP Backend

Mediation App With PHP Admin Panel
Admin Login Detail
User or email : admin
Password      : admin
HD wallpaper App With PHP Admin Panel


Features :

  • Include Admob Ads

What You Get

  • Full Flutter Source Code
  • Full Php Code of Server Side.
  • Admob Ads Integration
  • Full Document with Screen Shot.



Change Log

1 JUNE 2021

- initial version

16 March 2022

- admin app change and bug fixed

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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