Flutter Food - The Best Flutter Food Template

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by flutterdevez
Flutter Food -  The Best Flutter Food Template Flutter  Mobile Templates


FLUTTER FOOD – The best flutter food app template ever

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Flutter Food -  The Best Flutter Food Template - 1

App Template Screens

Detailed Documentation

  • Splash Screen
  • Intro Screen
  • Auto place
  • SignUp Screen
  • Login Screen
  • Home Screen
  • Search Screen
  • Detail product Screen
  • Order details Screen
  • Payment Screen
  • Maps order Screen
  • Finish order Screen
  • Notification promo Screen
  • Notification order Screen
  • Reorder Screen
  • Payment reorder Screen
  • Maps reorder Screen
  • Finish reorder Screen
  • Detail pay Screen
  • Wallet Screen
  • Chat Screen
  • Message Screen
  • Profile Screen
  • Edit profile Screen
  • Project Structure & Features

    images: apps/widgets/snippets images as well as appIcon are stored here.
    lib : Components & Screen pages are located here.
    pubspec.yaml: Application name and other project dependencies can be found here.

    How to get start?
    1. unzip the package.
    2. open “pubspec.yaml” file.
    3. Do “pub get” on terminal to install the dependencies
    4. Then “flutter run” command to run the program

    Some of another useful commands


    flutter analyze – to check warnings & problems

    flutter pub outdated – to check outdated packages

    flutter upgrade – to update to latest stable version


    Documentation for installing flutter :

    if you have anything to discuss, feel free to contact via

    Thank you

    Product tags

      • 6 month free support included from author
      • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
      • 360 degrees quality control
      Secure payment & money back guarantee

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