Flutter Chess Game App | Android & iOS

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by yellowgems_studio
Flutter Chess Game App | Android & iOS


Flutter Chess Game App | For Both Android & iOS


Download The Game App: Click To Download


Our Chess game is 2 player or single-player board game played on a multi-color chessboard, a checkered game board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. With powerful chess AI (1-6 Levels), Our Chess will bring you a nonstop adventure!

Features : 1. One or 2-player gameplay (offline) 2. 6 AI difficulty levels (Noob>Pro) 3. Customizable app theme (Colors) 4. Customizable piece theme (Skins) 5. Fully Detailed chess rules with clear diagrams (Hints & Paths) 6. Undo any function 7. Retro game UI design and comfortable setting with audio sound 8. Most Powerful Chess AI Available for game


Excellent Customer Support (Within 1 Hour Reply) 1. Once you purchase, we will try to help you with good installation support. 2. But we will definitely help you if you face any major problem. 3. You will get Free Lifetime Updates – get all the new features & updates.


provider: ^5.0.0
url_launcher: ^6.0.2
audioplayers: ^0.19.0
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.0
flame: ^1.2.1

You will get: Full Android & iOS Source Code, Double Documentation PDF file.

You will get the easy setup documentation. You need just 10-15min max to set up and build your app. We made the easiest documentation. If you face any problem or something, kindly send us a message via email.


For any query, Contact us via email. Thank You. Kindly contact us via mail: Click the banner below.


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