Doctor Appointment Booking | Physician Scheduling | Healthcare Provider Reservation | Doctor Visit Booking | Physician Meeting Scheduling in Flutter
- Dark and Light Mode
- Firebase Integration
- Email and Password Authentication
- Appointment Booking based on Date and Time
- Profile Management
- Animation Implemented
Our Doctor Appointment Booking App in Flutter offers a user-friendly interface designed for patients who want to schedule appointments with a doctor. The app provides an intuitive layout and easy navigation, book appointments, and manage their profiles effortlessly. The design is responsive and compatible with various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience across different devices.
Technology Used:
- Flutter Framework for UI Design and Development
- Firebase Authentication for User Registration and Login
- Firebase Cloud Firestore for Data Persistence and Real-time Syncing
- Firebase Storage
- Provider Package for State Management
- Implement Firebase Authentication with Email and Password
- Implement Appointment Booking Functionality
- Implement Firebase Integration with Cloud Firestore and Firebase Storage
User Flow:
- User registers and logs in using their credentials.
- User selects the doctor from the search results to view their profile.
- User books an appointment with the doctor.
- User manages their profile information and appointment history.
Note: This is just an example, but it could serve as a starting point for building a more complex and feature-rich doctor appointment and booking App in Flutter. Although, It is a fully working for patient side only having own database but consider it as a starting point. You can customise and enhance the app according to your specific requirements and preferences.