Flutter Appointment Booking | Physician Scheduling | Healthcare Provider Reservation | Doctor Visit

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by BalajiInfoTechno


Doctor Appointment Booking | Physician Scheduling | Healthcare Provider Reservation | Doctor Visit Booking | Physician Meeting Scheduling in Flutter


  • Dark and Light Mode
  • Firebase Integration
  • Email and Password Authentication
  • Appointment Booking based on Date and Time
  • Profile Management
  • Animation Implemented


Our Doctor Appointment Booking App in Flutter offers a user-friendly interface designed for patients who want to schedule appointments with a doctor. The app provides an intuitive layout and easy navigation, book appointments, and manage their profiles effortlessly. The design is responsive and compatible with various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience across different devices.

Technology Used:

  • Flutter Framework for UI Design and Development
  • Firebase Authentication for User Registration and Login
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore for Data Persistence and Real-time Syncing
  • Firebase Storage
  • Provider Package for State Management


  1. Implement Firebase Authentication with Email and Password
  2. Implement Appointment Booking Functionality
  3. Implement Firebase Integration with Cloud Firestore and Firebase Storage

User Flow:

  1. User registers and logs in using their credentials.
  2. User selects the doctor from the search results to view their profile.
  3. User books an appointment with the doctor.
  4. User manages their profile information and appointment history.

Note: This is just an example, but it could serve as a starting point for building a more complex and feature-rich doctor appointment and booking App in Flutter. Although, It is a fully working for patient side only having own database but consider it as a starting point. You can customise and enhance the app according to your specific requirements and preferences.


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