Flutter App Rebrand

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by sarjeet


Rebrand your Flutter application using one command from terminal

Flutter App Rebrand automates the process of rebranding a Flutter application by updating the package name, launcher icon, and app name across both Android and iOS platforms. It ensures a smooth transition when you need to rebrand an app for new clients, products, or design overhauls.


  • Package Name Update: Automatically updates the package name for both Android and iOS.

  • Launcher Icon Update: Replaces the app’s launcher icon with a new one, updating for both platforms.

  • App Name Update: Changes the app name that is displayed on the device.

  • Directory Structure Refactoring: Moves the MainActivity to the correct new package directory and deletes the old one.

  • iOS Bundle Identifier Update: Updates the iOS product bundle identifier (Runner.xcodeproj).

How to Use?

Add Flutter App Rebrand to your pubspec.yaml in dev_dependencies: section.

  flutter_app_rebrand: ^1.0.0

or run this command

flutter pub add -d flutter_app_rebrand

Update dependencies

flutter pub get

Run this command to change the package configurations for both the platforms.

dart run flutter_app_rebrand:main rebrand.json

where rebrand.json is the JSON file that contains the new package name, path to the new launcher icon, and the updated app name.

Example rebrand.json:

  "packageName": "com.newcompany.newapp",
  "launcherIconPath": "assets/icons/new_launcher_icon.png",
  "appName": "NewApp"

Git Repository: https://github.com/sarj33t/flutter_app_rebrand

Product tags

  • 6
  • Author support included
  • Lifetime access to product repository
  • Lifetime product updates included
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