FluttBlog - flutter blogger app

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by flutterde
FluttBlog - flutter blogger app


FluttBlog - is a flutter app that uses google Blogger API, if you have a blogger website or you plan to start one, this app is for you.

You can test the app from here.

FluttBlog version 1.0.0 

 - Flutter 3.0 (fast/beautiful/last technology)
 - Dark/Light mode
 - Easy to customize
 - Google analytics(firebase)
 - Easy to Reskin it
 - Cache the images inside the app
 - Admob (only Banner for now)
 - Android SDK target API 33


 - Splash screen
 - Onboarding screen
 - Home screen
 - Categories screen
 - Blog Profile screen
 - Post details screen
 - Category Posts screen
&&&More widgets…


 /. If you can’t get a firebase account (for example if your country doesn’t supported in Firebase), this app will not work for you.
 /. Don’t buy the app from outside Codecanyone, I don’t offer my code source outside codecanyone, so if you want the security and the updates and the support, buy the code from here!!


FluttBlog - flutter blogger app - 1

for Support or more info contact me on: flutterde@gmail.com

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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