Endless Quiz with Admin Panel and Firebase Realtime

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by morningstarcode
Endless Quiz with Admin Panel and Firebase Realtime Android Developer Tools Mobile App template


Endless Quiz is multi purposed quiz app that comes with 4 types and powerful features.It is developed in Java with Android studio, the admin panel and api is developed with Strapi framework (Koajs and Reactjs).You can easily create quiz games in 4 types such as True/False, Scratch, Multi-Selected and Text-Image formats.You can add unlimited questions to these quizzes and also you can easily convert them to rewarded games.

  • Four Types : True/False, Scratch, Multi selected and Text+Image
  • Easily integrated with Admin Panel
  • Easily integrated with Firebase to holds real time
  • Add/Delete/Update quizzes, rewards, questions, options, etc..
  • Leader board feature
  • Admob is integrated with Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Video
  • In-app purchasing is integrated to buy golds (using some jokers in game)
  • Just Google sign for now to hold more secure
  • Easily active/passive to quizzes
  • FCM push notification that adding from firebase messaging

Google Play Demo:

Admin Panel Demo:

Username : admin
Password : 123456
Images and icons from Flaticon and Pexels
Endless Quiz App

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