Elite Video Player is modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube (single, channel, playlist), Vimeo, self-hosting videos (only mp4 required), Google drive videos, Dropbox videos, local videos, Amazon S3 and LiveStreaming HLS m3u8 videos.. Showcase your videos in your site across all browsers & devices with this unique and most powerful video player around.
Convert your .mp4 files into .m3u8 format to protect your videos.
A really fantastic player and very very good and reliable support from the developer. 6 Stars, if I could…
- TTom922
This is a great player and the author went above and beyond to help with a challenge – of my own creation. Great code, clear instructions, extremely fast response. Very refreshing!.
- rodeospot
Very professional attention, with a high quality service.
- telemovil
Works smoothly and is easily editable!
- Gary1980
A lot of attention to the customer …
Great plugin …
- deFreitas
love this. the absolute best!
- theodisbutler
thank You for this Great Player.
- RolandK
So easy to use and to add this to my website.
- cijidrew
Transition Slider is revolutionary image and video slider with advanced WebGL transition effects never seen before in slider plugins. Transition slider brings seamless transition effects with zoom blur, motion blur, camera roll, warp, twirl, stretch, fisheye and brightness. Impress your clients and customers with this unique slider!
Transition Slider jQuery Plugin Transition Slider WordPress Plugin
New - added option to choose which videos will show from playlist - added option to choose playlist order22.8.2020.
Fix - wp 5.5 small fix16.8.2020.
New - HTML5 video thumbnails: 1. vtt video thumbnails 2. Live auto-generated video thumbnails - HTML5 video thumbnails can be applied to mp4/HLS m3u8/Google drive/Dropbox/Amazon S3 videos22.4.2020.
- Fix Lightbox fullscreen fix2.3.2020.
- Fix Preroll mute notification for autoplaying youtube videos on desktop12.2.2020.
- for YouTube videos longer than 20 mins, overwrite default youtube resume function (fixes postroll Ad)11.2.2020.
- Fix Stop video function for Youtube video with Preroll enabled.31.1.2020.
- YouTube API key update15.1.2020.
- mobile - quality menu positioning fix12.1.2020.
- visual improvements18.12.2019.
- bug fix with subtitles button11.11.2019.
- added option for advertiser external link8.11.2019.
- youtube playlist updated code30.10.2019.
- Google analytics improvements - playlist customisation improvements28.10.2019.
- fullscreen updated for new version of iOS22.9.2019.
- added option to choose any number of videos from YouTube channel, from 1 to all videos.20.9.2019.
New - embed code improvements9.9.2019.
New - player automatically generate embed code - all player options can be passed to player as url params10.7.2019.
Fix - Vimeo autoplay notification adjusted2.7.2019.
New - improved code - autoplay notification for all videos (self hosted, ads etc.)28.6.2019.
New - subtitles (captions) support for HTML5 videos (self hosted, Google drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, HLS m3u8 Livestream) - HD/SD quality for HTML5 videos (self hosted, Google drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, HLS m3u8 Livestream) Fix - fullscreen fix for some themes13.6.2019.
Fix - color change for multiple instances of player in same page20.1.2019.
Fix - small volume fix for HTML5 autoplay10.1.2019.
New - added support for multiple Vimeo API player instances - Fix - not loading video through "id" parametar from url5.11.2019.
Fix - fixed showing/hiding 'nowPlayingTitle' when title is longer than video area14.9.2018.
New - added Google Analytics: track how many times videos has been watched track how many times video has been downloaded track how many times AD video has been played track how long AD video has been before skipped4.9.2018.
Fix - fixed youtube video on finish behaviour: when selected option on finish:"Stop video", player restarts and shows first frame of played video1.9.2018. Major update
New - implemented Sticky mode to keep videos visible to your customers all the time on the page (when scrolling up/down through page). If video is not in user viewport, sticky player will appear in bottom corner, and if video is in user viewport, sticky player will automatically hide. - autoplay video only if video is in viewport on page load6.6.2018.
Fix - small css fix: first item in bottom playlist was not displaying correctly29.3.2018.
New - added option to adjust video ratio to fit perfectly when playlist is 'opened' or 'closed'12.1.2018.
- New Deeplinking (user can share active (current) video, meaning any video from playlist can be accessed through URL)19.12.2017.
New - removed iphone-inline-video.js script; player now uses only 'webkit-playsinline' attribute to autoplay HTML5 self-hosted videos on mobile19.9.2017.
- New implemented HLS m3u8 support ('main video' can be HLS m3u8, preroll/midroll/postroll also can be HLS m3u8 format) Fix - onVideoFinish:"Stop video" small bug fix only when preroll is enabled for youtube videos, show poster on finish - Fix - auto play next video for Youtube playlist fixed25.8.2017.
Fix - fixed small bug with Firefox opening 3 tabs on ad click18.8.2017.
New - added 'global' ads (you can use 'pool' of video ads and play them randomly, or 'stick' video ads to exact video) - added option to set any video ratio you can imagine (to create the best view of your video to your users, and to match your actual video ratio without editing your video) - iphone video playsinline (iPhone will display video like on desktop, avoiding iPhone native player) - iphone autoplay video (autoplay video on mobile) - add translations of all words in player (every single word in the video player can be edited/translated to your own language) Fix - works with all jQuery versions (including latest jQuery Core 3.2.1)23.4.2017.
Fix - fixed iPhone black margin bug when controls are "off"3.4.2017.
New - added support for laptops with touch screen Fix - fixed responsivness in lightbox mode when playlist is Off17.3.2017.
New - improved code, small fixes8.3.2017.
New - added support for mixed videos in same playlist2.3.2017.
New - autoplay disabled for mobile, enabled for desktop27.2.2017.
New - added second poster image (when video finished) Fix - youtube play/pause fix for mobile7.2.2017.
New - added play button on mobile for first video when autoplay is on3.2.2017.
New - when using self hosted videos, not to load youtube api, improved player loading - shuffle multiple videos even if no playlist30.1.2017.
New - added option for preloading self hosted videos ('none' or 'auto')29.1.2017.
New - Bottom playlist feature - choose to youtube videos get thumbnails automatically from youtube or set thumbnails manually Fix - usage of very large youtube playlist3.12.2016.
New - minor css fix2.12.2016.
New - improved design on smaller screens29.11.2016.
New - added download video button (optional)16.11.2016.
Fix - mobile scrolling improvements14.11.2016.
Fix - lightbox mode fix31.10.2016.
Fix - small lightbox thumbnail fix23.10.2016.
Fix - youtube API v3 accepts unlimted videos from channel/playlist9.10.2016.
Fix - fixed quality button selection30.8.2016.
New - added lightbox option to elite player10.8.2016.
New - improved code, added new option for player layouts: fitToContainer, fixedSize, fitToBrowser3.8.2016.
Fix - fixed fullscreen bug19.6.2016.
New - added IE complete fullscreen support - added option to continuously play Vimeo videos even if playlist of 'turned off' Fix - disabled space key when ad is playing14.6.2016.
New - added option to choose Light or Dark player theme24.3.2016.
New - added Youtube quality menu selector2.2.2016.
Fix - fixed fullscreen for browsers that doesn't support native HTML5 fullscreen6.1.2016.
Fix - fixed bug with youtube API sometimes not loading on page load24.11.2015.
New - added more advertising options: mid-roll, post-roll video ads, and pop-up ads - fixed some bugs02.10.2015.
Fix - Fixed bug with time total for videos with duration over 60 minutes20.9.2015.
New - added option to insert multiple instances of youtube player in same page - added preloader for preroll video Fix - small bug fixes24.8.2015.
Fix - Updated Vimeo API, fixed Vimeo preroll ads not playing.30.7.2015.
Fix - Fixed font awesome css file name to avoid conflicts if theme uses font awesome21.7.2015.
New - added option to set youtube video quality: 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 4k19.6.2015.
Fix - Fixed bug when title doesn't change if playlist is "Off" and "shuffle" of multiple videos is enabled20.5.2015.
New - added option to have continuous videos played (one after another, on finish) even with playist disabled18.5.2015.
New - added hover effect on YouTube player Fix - fixed YouTube playlist/channel issues14.5.2015.
New - updated youtube API to v3.013.5.2015.
New - added custom controls for youtube player - added option to have closed playlist on webpage load5.5.2015.
Fix - fix for youtube videos not playing when selected in playlist on mobile22.4.2015.
New - improved preroll unloading/skipping - added hand cursor on prerolls Fix - fixed IE9,10,11 bug with logo and poster not showing over Youtube player - fixed logo on youtube fullscreen21.4.2015.
New - added option to disable "Skip advertisement"8.4.2015.
New - added option to hide self hosted video sources (to prevent users from download/steal your videos)6.4.2015.
Fix - fixed conflict with font awesome icons29.3.2015.
New - added new option to hide all player controls26.3.2015.
Fix - fixed space key issue18.3.2015.
New: - Added option for multiple instances of HTML5 player - Removed communication with youtube API when using HTML5 or Vimeo player4.3.2015.
Fix - fullscreen issue with player unerlying elements in some themes3.3.2015.
New - improved share options, updated documentation25.2.2015.
Fix - fixed bug with playlist scrollbar24.2.2015.
Fix - fixed Internet Explorer 11 bug18.2.2015.
New - added option to show/hide related youtube videos when video finish14.2.2015.
New - improved responsiveness25.1.2015.
Fix - embed copying fix15.1.2015.
Fix - fixed pre-roll for mobile New - skip ad improvement