Elegance Doctor Appointment - Booking App - Flutter & Getx

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by codecanyon
Elegance Doctor Appointment - Booking App - Flutter & Getx


Hi everyone!
We will be on leave next month until September 1, 2022.

So, we will be slow to respond at that time.

This is necessary so that we can make better products in the future. And yeah, we will have 1 more product that will help developers to make good apps, you will love it XD.

Thanks for all the support so far!

Greetings from our Doctor Appointment – Booking App

Codekaze – Doctor Appointment Booking App is a Doctor Appointment booking application built with Flutter, GetX and Firestore.If you want to start building your Doctor Appointment application, this template is quite ideal to use and develop. With the Flutter, GetX and Firestore, this app is easy to be customized. Developers will love it.

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  • Google Sign In
  • Anonymous Sign In
  • Cloud Firestore Integration
  • Getx State Management
  • Doctor Appointment
  • Order List View
  • Product Management
  • Product Category Management
  • Administrator
  • Free updates forever
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If you have trouble after buying this template, please don’t hesitate to ask codekaze.id@gmail.com We will more than happy to help.


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