eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store

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by RajodiyaInfotech


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eCommerceGo SaaS is your ultimate solution for smooth integration between your store’s backend and front end. With eCommerceGo SaaS, you can effortlessly handle all aspects of your store, from managing product inventories to fulfilling orders, all within a single, convenient tab. Experience the convenience of a manageable storefront and an intuitive user interface, making your eCommerce operations a breeze.

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Url : Demo Link
Login as Super Admin : / 1234
Login as Owner : / 1234

Grocery Theme : Check Grocery Theme Demo
Babycare Theme : Check Style Theme Demo

More Premium Theme Addon: Buy From Here

More Premium iOS App Addon: Buy From Here

More Premium Android App Addon: Buy From Here

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What to Expect from eCommerceGo SaaS – eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store

  • Custom Domain and Subdomain to Organize the Store
  • eCommerceGo SaaS offers 2 dashboards, both for the back and front end. It helps in the easy understanding of useful information
  • Easy to manage storefront by listing products and product categories
  • Ease in creating tax and assigning rates to them
  • Multi Theme with various colors options, Check Premium Theme Here.
  • Mobile application for each theme, Check Android App & iOS App
  • Management of Newsletter subscribers list
  • The store view on the front end allows the users to enjoy their shopping process
  • Full White Label Store Setting
  • COD and Bank Transfer for Offline Checkout
  • Store QRcode and Unique Link
  • Multi-Store Under the Roof of One Company
  • Product Shipping Method
  • Product Variant
  • Product Coupon
  • Wishlist Module
  • Blog Module for the Insights
  • Custom Page Module
  • Each store has a Meta keyword and description for SEO purposes
  • Guest Checkout without Register/ Login
  • Payment gateways for secured payments with Stripe, Bank Transfer, and COD
  • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
  • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
  • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
  • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
  • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using COD and diverse payment gateways namely Bank Transfer and Stripe
  • Built with Laravel 9

Salient Features of eCommerceGo SaaS – eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store

The transition from the Front End to the Back End

A robust backend is crucial for efficient store management, regardless of whether it operates online. The smooth functioning of the front end relies heavily on a well-functioning back end. From managing product inventories and orders to ensuring seamless order fulfillment, an interactive front-end interface complements the backend operations.

The Stunning Dashboard

Since the store operates on two fronts, eCommerceGo SaaS would offer 2 dashboards for the effective management of both; the back end and the front end.
On the eCommerceGo SaaS store’s dashboard, you can get an overview of total products, sales, and orders along with a list of your latest product and recent orders placed here. Also, find the order graph of your past week here.
The other section of that particular dashboard shows the barcode of your store theme along with the theme link. Here the theme will be whichever you have selected while creating your store.
Additionally, to ease your way of adding any of the new activities, it shows the “Quick Add” feature through which you can add New Products, Tax, Main Categories, and Coupons without going into the particular modules.
Get entire store analytics with the help of various charts, right from traffic through various browsers, devices, and platforms to your top URLs, and get every insight about your visitors on this dashboard.

Themes Add-on

With the theme module of eCommerceGo SaaS, selecting a specific theme for your store is a breeze. Choose from a range of themes available during the store purchase process and watch as your store’s appearance transforms accordingly. As you switch themes, the store’s color scheme seamlessly updates to match the selected theme, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing experience. Check Premium Theme Here.

Store Setting

Theme Setting

The theme setting feature of the Store Setting module of eCommerceGo SaaS is to redo the look and feel of your store. The theme link here is automatically generated while you create the store. The tab will display the theme name you choose for the “Theme Name”. Moreover, you can precisely manage the theme name, logo, invoice logo, and theme favicon. Along with this, you can handle Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Meta Keywords, and Description.

Home Page Content

The home page content feature of the Store Setting module of eCommerceGo SaaS is to help you to customize the whole home page content of your theme with images required which includes the Header, Banner – Card, Category, Review, Discount – Section, Products, Bestseller, Feature – Product, Feature – Category, Testimonial, Blog, Listpage, Footer with the management of various social media settings. Many of the settings here have enable/ disable or on/ off options.

Order Complete Screen

The order complete screen feature of the Store Setting module of eCommerceGo SaaS signifies the successful completion of the purchase. The dynamic texts of the Title and the Description. It initiates the processing and packaging of your items, ensuring a smooth delivery process.


Main Category

To ensure proper recognition and identification of listed products, categorization is essential. The product module of eCommerceGo SaaS offers a convenient feature to manage main product categories. Register each category with an image and icon, indicating if it is currently trending or not. Simplify product organization and enhance user experience.

Sub Category

This feature of the subcategory of the eCommerceGo SaaS is available with a few of the pre-defined themes of the stores. With this module, you can easily classify and navigate products, enhancing the browsing experience for customers and streamlining product management for administrators.


You can find all the products of your store here. Manage every aspect of the product, from its name, price, category, quantity, SKU, product description, and image through this tab. All in all, this tab can help you keep your inventories in the tab.

Product Variant

A product variant is the arrangement of a single product family consisting of a master product with child products that are of different characteristics such as colors, sizes, pricing, materials, nature, or any specific features. With a wider range of personalized offers and more SKUs to choose from, product variants in this area will help to attract more customers. Customers will understand the products at a glance about the available choices. Additionally, because there are so many options under one roof, visibility will be improved.


You can view a summary of each order here. From order details, billing, and shipping information to payment status, get every detail about a particular order number over here. Set the order status and print the receipt from over here.


The wishlist feature of the Order Details of eCommerceGo SaaS empowers you to manage and track user wishlists. You can view and delete the items on the wishlist. This helps to have valuable insights for personalized marketing and customer engagement strategies.


The coupon feature of the Order Details of eCommerceGo SaaS provides you with the ability to create, manage, and track coupons for promotional campaigns. It enables setting coupon codes, defining discounts or offers, specifying usage restrictions, and monitoring coupon usage.


The shipping feature of the Order Details of eCommerceGo SaaS empowers you to manage the shipping process efficiently. It allows setting up shipping methods and configuring shipping rates.

CMS Pages

The pages module of eCommerceGo SaaS helps you to create and manage your theme pages. It will provide a user-friendly interface to design and customize pages, add content, and organize your theme structure. With this module, you have full control over the theme’s static pages.

Contact Us

The contact us module of eCommerceGo SaaS enables you to manage customer inquiries and contact information. It provides a centralized platform to view and respond to customer messages, track communication history, and update contact details. You can streamline customer support, enhance responsiveness, and maintain effective communication with this essential tool.


The FAQ feature of the help module of eCommerceGo SaaS is a valuable resource for you to address common queries and concerns of customers. It provides clear and concise answers, empowering your users to find information easily, reducing the need for customer support, and fostering a positive shopping experience with enhanced convenience and satisfaction.


The blog feature of the help module of eCommerceGo SaaS serves you as a versatile platform to deliver valuable content to your customers. It offers a variety of articles, guides, and updates, covering topics related to products, industry trends, and customer interests. The blog section not only enhances customer engagement and loyalty but also establishes the brand as a reliable source of information, and promotes trust and credibility.


The newsletter module of eCommerceGo SaaS permits you to efficiently manage and leverage customer newsletter subscriptions. It facilitates the collection, organization, and segmentation of subscriber data, enabling targeted email campaigns. With advanced analytics and tracking features, you can assess engagement, optimize content, and nurture customer relationships. This module ensures effective communication and drives customer loyalty through personalized and engaging newsletters.


The tax module of eCommerceGo SaaS offers flexibility with both percentage-based and flat tax options, allowing you to choose the most suitable method for your business needs.


The review module of eCommerceGo SaaS allows you to manage customer reviews effectively. It provides tools to monitor, moderate, and respond to reviews, ensuring quality feedback and enhancing customer satisfaction. You can gather insights, address concerns, and maintain a positive reputation, build trust and credibility.

Customer Login and Registration

With the help of the customer login and registration module, the customer can only place the order when he/ she has already registered and logged in. This is for the safety and security purposes of the customer as well as the owner due to the authentication of information. Also, the customer can take a look at his/ her previous orders.

Guest Checkout without Register/ Login

The guest checkout feature is a customer-friendly functionality. This means that a customer does not need to register or log in to buy the service or product.
This feature has the advantage of speeding up first-time purchases and reducing account creation friction. From the perspective of the business, this also contributes to an improvement in the customer’s subsequent purchase experience and increases customer retention rates.

Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

Each store has a Meta keyword and description for SEO purposes

The purpose of SEO is to improve the visibility of your store. Here, the process is done with the help of Meta keywords and descriptions which are the meta tags that you can use to give the search engine more information about your store’s content with appropriate results. The Store Settings option of the Store lets you add/update the Meta keywords and descriptions related to your business store(s).

Store Front-End

The front end would offer a representation of all the settings you applied in the back end. That is to say, it would create a shopping site view on the front end. Products would be listed category-wise over here.
Get complete product details by clicking on a tab and the users can add requisite products to the cart. The client then can proceed to checkout after adding the required shipping and billing details. Further, they can finalize the order by initiating payment through a secured gateway.
Once the order is placed, Stock would be managed accordingly in the backend from the product inventories.


Here you can see what updates came out and did we bring new to the version. Check Changelog


Please send support request here for any issues, questions or suggestions. To save time and get quick feedback, please don’t ask for support in the comments section.

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Product tags

  • 11
  • 6 month free support included from author
  • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
  • 360 degrees quality control
Secure payment & money back guarantee

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