E-Learning : Online Exam

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by quickbuzz
E-Learning : Online Exam React native Books, Courses & Learning Mobile App template


Android Mobile App and Admin Panel

Mobile App Features:

  • Easily student registration
  • Easily login registered user
  • User profile screen (With Photo)
  • Subject wise PracticeSet
  • Daily update notifications
  • Live exams (With time duration)
  • Incoming exams
  • Recent exams
  • Exam Review screen
  • After Exam Result  Screen
  • Live exam toppers list
  • User global rank
  • User feedback form
  • About us screen

Admin Panel Features:

  • Manage registered users
  • Manage all categories
  • Manage all Practise sets
  • Manage practice set wise questions 
  • Manage online/live exams
  • Send Notifications
  • And manage all app features in the admin section 


  • Laravel 5.6
  • React Native
  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript

Admin Panel Demo: Click to Admin Panel

Android App Download: Click to Download

Admin Login Details:
Username: quickbuzz@gmail.com
Password: 123456

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    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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