Dynamic Wallpapers Android App With Firebase Back-end

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by Akshay2662


Dynamic Wallpapers is a Wallpaper system Application which run under Android platform that used for your wallpaper application with Firebase as Back-end and URL system can manage unlimited wallpapers and category. This application is build with Android Studio and we used Material Design components with clean and quality code for best performance and already integrated with admob ads. By using this application you can save your time and money in creating application. No need to worry about hosting because Dynamic Wallpapers App uses Firebase as Back-end.

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Detailed Features List :

  • Splash Screen
  • Intro Screens
  • Ask Permissions Page
  • Slider Menu
  • Home Wallpaper
  • Trending Wallpaper
  • Random Wallpaper
  • Categories Wallpaper
  • Download Wallpaper
  • Download GIF
  • Share Wallpaper
  • Add/Remove Favorite Wallpaper
  • Set Wallpaper as Home Screen/Lock Screen
  • Add GIF Images
  • Share App
  • Rate App
  • Send Push notification by using firebase
  • Privacy Policy, Contact Us
  • AdMob Ads banner and interstitial
  • Firebase as Back-end
  • Add wallpapers in app through image URL
  • JSON formatted database
  • Material design
  • Used Clean and Quality code for best performance
  • Well documentation
  • 24/7 Support

  • What You Get :

    • Full Android Source Code
    • JSON Formatted Database
    • Full Documentation with Screenshot

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      Update Log

             - Version 1.3 (Posted Feb 17, 2021 ):
            * Fixed Firebase Issue
             - Version 1.2 (Posted May 4, 2020 ):
            * Added - Wallpapers Look in Curve Style
            * Fixed Minor Bugs
            - Version 1.1 (Posted Dec 31, 2019 ):
            * Added GIF Feature
            * Improved Image Load Quality
            - Version 1.0 (Posted Nov 26, 2019 ):
            * Initial Release

    Product tags

      • 6 month free support included from author
      • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
      • 360 degrees quality control
      Secure payment & money back guarantee

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