Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel

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by nwkkittisak164gmail-com


– Version: 1.3.0
– File Included: Full Source code of Customer Flutter App (Android & iOS) with PHP Admin Panel
Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 1

█ EXTENDED LICENSE ~ Buy Once … Use & Updates Lifetime █

█ REGULAR LICENSE ~ Buy Once … Use & Updates Lifetime █

Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 2

Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 3 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 4 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 5 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 6 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 7 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 8 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 9

  • PayPal Gateway.
  • RazorPay Gateway.
  • Credit Card (Stripe) Gateway.
  • PayStack Gateway.
  • FlutterWave Gateway.
  • Malaysian Stripe FPX Gateway.
  • PayMongo Gateway.
  • Cash On Delivery (COD).
  • Wallets System.
The product supports multiple currencies. You can create your own currency and then the entire product suite will be changed as per the currency selected.
V1.3.0   |    09-02-2023

- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.7.0 Stable Release )
Add required files for the subscription module
Fix grey screen on complete appointment screens
Upgrade Dependencies
Fix Internal bugs

- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or 7.4 or Higher)
Add required files for the subscription module
Fix Internal bugs

Admin Panel Features

  • Admin dashboards and statistics.
  • Multi Roles and Permission (Admin, Clinic Owner, Doctor, Customer).
  • Paypal Payments Gateway.
  • Multi-language Admin panel
  • Social media Authentications.
  • Medias & File Manager Integrated

Reporting Dashboards

Admins can view a reporting dashboard

They can view a quick summary of appointments, earnings, patients, doctors, and more.

Appointments Management

After the customer places a appointment,

The clinic owner and doctors or admins can accept/decline, or change the status of the appointment displayed on a timeline, also they can cancel it.

Brand & Styling

It is extremely easy and convenient to rebrand the app and customize the theme of the app as per your needs.

You can launch an app with your own branding. You can easily change the app color theme, logos, and icons with minimal effort.

Light or Dark Theme Support.

You can choose from a light or dark theme

The admin of the application can choose his preferable theme mode. It is really easy to switch between light or dark themes.

Media & File Manager.

The admin and salons owners can easily manage their files and images.

They can upload new files or delete previous media using the media library on the admin panel. Media files can be uploaded in different categories such as Avatar, App Logo, Image & more. You can upload single or multiple media files using our drag and drop upload feature.

Multi-Currency Support

The product supports multiple currencies.

You can create your own currency and then the entire product suite will be changed as per the currency selected.

Custom Pages / Fields

Extend easily your application.

All entities such as users, doctors, clinics, specialities, etc. in the application can be easily extended by adding custom fields to the entity. For example, a second mobile number can be added to the user entity/table, also you can add a web-based page by providing the title and content of the page such as the Terms and condition, privacy, or announcement page, the customer can view these pages using his mobile application.

Configure Email Servers

You can connect the product suite with an email server.

SMTP, Mailgun, or Sparkpost and accordingly send emails about appointments status notifications or email verification when customers forgot their passwords .

Easy Login & Authentication.

There are easy login and authentication.

Customer Login: Customers can create an account using a mobile app or using a web admin panel. All customers can upgrade to the salon owner role by just requesting on the admin panel.
Salon owner Login: Can sign in to their account on the admin panel or mobile app.
Admin Login: Admin can log in to the admin panel.


Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 10

User or email:
Password: 123456

Clinic Owner/Manager
User or email:
Password: 123456

User or email:
Password: 123456

User or email:
Password: 123456

Customer Mobile Demo App (FLUTTER / DART)

Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 11

Customer Account
User or email:
Password: 123456

Other Customer Account
User or email:
Password: 123456


Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 12

What they say about our Apps ?

Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 13
 Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 14

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Doctor Appointment, Online Diagnostic, Booking, Medical Management Multi-Vendor App with Admin Panel - 15
V1.2.0   |    01-02-2023

- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.7.0 Stable Release )
Fix FCM Notification
Fix When Click on Notification
Fix Experience section on the doctor screen (delete Html Tags)
Add Offline Documentation
Upgrade Dependencies
Fix Internal bugs

- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or 7.4 or Higher)
Fix FCM Notification
Add Translation files and Add other languages (FR,AR,ES)
Fix Internal bugs
V1.1.0   |    4-01-2023

- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.3.10 Stable Release )
Add Online Consultation with Doctors
Fix The Grey Screen on Book Doctor Page
Upgrade Dependencies
Fix Internal bugs

- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or 7.4 or Higher)
Add Online Consultation between Doctors & Patients
Add Enable Online Consultation for Doctors
Fix Create Speciality
Fix Patients Images when you Edit Patient
Fix Internal bugs
V1.0.1   |    29-11-2022

- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.3.0 Stable Release )
Fix Chat with Doctor & Clinic
Fix Internal bugs

- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or 7.4 or Higher)
Add Doctor API
Fix Doctors Earnings
Add Doctor Patients
Fix Internal bugs

V1.0.0   |    25-11-2022

- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.3.0 Stable Release )
initial release

- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or 7.4 or Higher)
initial release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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