Dictionary Pro Template with AdMob

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by codebhak
Dictionary Pro Template with AdMob Android  Mobile App template


Dictionary Pro is a professional dictionary application template. This template is suitable for building dictionary applications like English-German, French-Spanish dictionary. Not only dictionary, the template can be used for glossary apps, spells, formulas and more.

For monetizing the app, AdMob code is built into it. The app is built on the new Android Studio with Google material design implementation, and categorized data.


  • 1. Android Studio project
  • 2. Beautiful user interface with Google material design implementation
  • 3. Categorized database with XML
  • 4. Add to favorites
  • 5. Admob
  • 6. Sound Support
  • 7. Easy Search
  • 8. Tablet support with two pane layout
  • 9. History and Bookmark
  • 10. Easiness of customization
  • 11. Well documented user guide

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