CZ Fleet Manager GPS realtime fleet tracking application .NET Flutter | Full Solution

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by czappstudios


Fleet Manager: A simple yet powerful real-time GPS vehicle tracking system built using .NET 6 and Flutter. This application will help to track your fleet’s location, traveling speed and manage vehicles. You can use any Android or IOS device to track your vehicle.

Admin Panel Features: Live Tracking: Live location map view of all vehicles

Tracking History: Tracking history of vehicles

Vehicle Management System: Dynamic Vehicle creation option (Vehicle type, colour, brand, model)

Device Management System: Each Mobile device and the registered vehicle are locked. If someone tries to register the vehicle in some other device or vice versa the system will not allow that Only admin can remove the configured device.

Admin Panel Common Features: Dynamic Role & Access Control (Able to create multiple roles and their permission) Dark Mode

Mobile App Features: Simple Registration: Once you create a vehicle in the admin panel you can easily register the device in the app to start the tracking process.

Device Verification System: Each vehicle id is locked with each device to prevent forgery and improves security only the admin can revoke the device.

Tracking: Background tracking with device info reporting such as battery percentage, Wi-Fi and GPS status along with the speed of the device.

Login Details: Admin: UserName: adminuser Password: 123456

Vehicle App Login: vehicleId: tn1234567890

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