CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools

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by BitFlan


CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 1

CyberTools is a collection of useful tools and utilities that people often search for on the internet. It has a lot of amazing tools that your users can use in their day-to-day tasks we will keep adding new tools in updates. It is built on the Latest Laravel framework which utilizes PHP 8.0+ massive performance boost It is built with a fully responsive design based on Latest Twitter Bootstrap to ensure that your website will look flawless and beautiful on every mobile and desktop device. It also has strong cross-browser support. You can earn by placing Google Adsense Ads or similar Advertising platforms. We are adding subscriptions in the next update to convert it into a SaaS product. You can earn money by offering paid memberships to the users. There is a lot more to discover for you & we have great plans for future updates.

CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 2 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 3 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 4 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 5 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 6 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 7 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 8 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 9 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 10 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 11 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 12 CyberTools - Awesome Web Tools - 13

Features of CyberTools:

✅ Fully Featured Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Platform
✅ More than 54 Unique Web Tools
✅ Multi-Language Support
✅ Google Adsense Friendly
✅ SMTP Support
✅ Static Pages (Translatable)
✅ Contact Form
✅ Beautiful / Responsive Design
✅ Built with Modern Tools & Technologies
✅ Optimized for Speed
✅ Frequent Updates

Upcoming Features:

✅ LTR / RTL Support
✅ Dark Theme
✅ Premium Memberships
⏰ More than 100 Web Tools

Demo Details

Front-End Demo

Admin Demo

Password: administrator


  • PHP 8.x
  • MySQL Database
  • Storage & Public Directories writable.
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO MySQL PHP Extension
  • Tokenizr PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • INTL PHP Extension
  • ZIP PHP Extension (Optional)


v1.5 SaaS Update
- New SaaS Module to convert the website into a Software-as-a-Service platform.
- New Stripe Payments Module. Collect Payments via Stripe.
- New Authentication Module. Login, Signup, Social Login & Settings for Customers.
- New automatic billing module. User subscriptions are managed automatically.
- New Premium Only tools module. Choose which tools can be used by Free and Premium members.
- Added Word Density Counter Tool
- Added Image Compressor Tool
- Added Image Resizer Tool
- Added PNG to JPG Tool
- Added JPG to PNG Tool
- Added PNG to WEBP Tool
- Added JPG to WEBP Tool
- Added WEBP to PNG Tool
- Added WEBP to JPG Tool
- Added Memory / Storage Converter Tool
- Added Credit Card Validator Tool
- Added Twitter SEO Card Generator Tool
- Added Text Replacer Tool
- Added Case Converter Tool
- Added Text to Slug Converter Tool
- Added Text Reverser Tool
- Added Random Number Generator Tool
- Added URL Parser Tool
- Added Unicode to Punycode (IDN) Converter Tool
- Added Punycode to Unicode (IDN) Converter Tool
- Added Redirect Checker Tool
- Added Palindrome Checker Tool
- Added Source Code Downloader Tool
- Added ROT13 Encoder Tool
- Added ROT13 Decoder Tool

v1.4 SEO Tools Update
- Added Privacy Policy Generator Tool
- Added Terms of Service Generator Tool
- Added Bulk Email Validator Tool
- Added Robots.txt Generator Tool
- Added HTACCESS Redirect Generator Tool
- Added Blog Section
- Fixed a crucial issue where certain MariaDB Servers would not work with the script.
- Many Bugfixes
- Performance Optimizations

- Added SQL Formatter Tool
- Added Password Strength Test Tool
- Added IP Information Tool
- Added URL Extractor Tool
- Added E-Mail Extractor Tool
- Added Line Break Removal Tool
- Added Bcrypt Generator Tool
- Added UUIDv4 Generator Tool
- Added YouTube Thumbnail Downloader Tool
- Added HTTP Status Code Checker Tool
- Fixed a bug that prevented Word Counter from Working
- Many Bug Fixes & Optimizations

- Added Dark Theme.
- Users can switch between Dark and Light Them.
- Admin can set default theme between Dark and Light.
- Add RTL Support
- Add Sitemap Generator

- Fixed an issue where some users could not switch the language.
- Fixed an issue where certain servers could not process uploaded files.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Domain Generator tool to function properly.

- Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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