Pick couple cards to match up these with each other, if it’s wrong you must to remember the location of what cards are play to do the correct choose in future turn.
This game will allow you to challenge your memory. It has more than 100 levels for you to test your brain from easy to extreme.
Your brain’s memory will be challenged on various levels as we have incorporated various images from different themes. Some of the themes are harder than others as the disctintions can be very specific..
- More than 100 levels to play
- Beautiful graphic, cute design for kids
- PSD files included
- Install on SD card
- ADMOB Integrated
- Java code, easy to import into Eclipse, Intelliji or Android Studio
The Support:
We provide full support so when you have questions, we’re here to answer. Hope you are as excited as me about this one.
If you need RESKIN services, we are able to support. Please send us an email