CodeWords – A Board Game | Flutter & Firebase | Android & iOS
Basically, CodeWords is a 2022 party card game designed by YG Studio and published by CC. Two teams(Red & Blue) compete by each having a “spymaster” give one-word clues that can point to multiple words on the board. The other players on the team attempt to guess their team’s words while avoiding the words of the other team.
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Main Features:
1. MultiPlayer Game In Modern Design Pattern.
2. Recommended to have at least 6 players (Players: 4-8+).
3. Create Room In the Game.
4. OR, Join Others Room.
5. Become A Spy Master In the Game.
6. Red Or Blue Team Selection.
7. Firebase Backend.
8. Colorful & Grid Pattern.
Packages We Used:
auto_size_text: 3.0.0
built_collection: 5.1.1
built_value: 8.1.3
cached_network_image: 3.1.0+1
cloud_firestore: 2.5.4
cloud_firestore_web: 2.6.8
confetti: 0.6.0
firebase_core: 1.12.0
firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.4.1
firebase_core_web: 1.5.4
font_awesome_flutter: 10.1.0
google_fonts: 2.2.0
intl: 0.17.0
json_path: 0.3.1
json_serializable: 6.1.3
page_transition: 2.0.4
shared_preferences: 2.0.11
timeago: 3.1.0
url_launcher: 6.0.15
build_runner: 2.1.7
built_value_generator: 8.1.3
Technologies used: 1. Flutter Framework. 2. Firebase Backend
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