CMMSGo - Maintenance Management System

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by RajodiyaInfotech
CMMSGo - Maintenance Management System



CMMSGo is the most convenient tool to manage your purchases, sales, and maintenance of the assets, and parts along with outsourcing of the same following the location you are working. It makes the whole management of such a thing very transparent and usable.

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What to expect from CMMSGo – Maintenance Management System

  • A comprehensive locationwise dashboard with all requisite information under one tab
  • Create and Manage Multiple Locations with QR Code
  • Easy management of staff details following the locations
  • Management of Locationwise Work Orders
  • Create and Manage Assets
  • Create and Manage Parts
  • Create and Manage Vendors
  • Multiple Users with Roles
  • Manage Plan Maintainance Task
  • Manage Purchase Orders
  • Landing Page Included
  • A user-friendly RTL experience for the customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
  • Built with Laravel 8
  • Salient Features of CMMSGo – Maintenance Management System

    The Stunning Dashboard

    CMMSGo has the most widespread dashboard with all the essential details under one head. The most important thing is that it shows all the details location-wise. We all can agree that dashboards have made our lives easier. Well, from every minute detail like Location, Work Order Overview with the Line Chart, Open Work Order, Complete Work Order, Assets, PMs, etc. The Pie Chart helps you to understand the status of Total Work Orders. In short, every activity of your business can be handled through this useful tool.

    Managing the Locations

    Isn’t it amazing to grab the filtered information of each business activity without even filtering them?
    Yes. The location management feature of CMMSGo makes it feasible. Through this, you can get the information of the location already created and selected for the output. No need to filter the particular business branch or branches of the particular location or locations. The management can change the location with the help of one click.

    Work Order Request Portal

    You can submit the work request or look up the work request with the help of an automatically generated QR Code or the Work Request Portal link. This generates a unique link. You can get and check the work order requests without login by the customers.

    Managing the Staff

    CMMSGo focuses on effortless ways to manage the whole staff according to the locations they have been registered in. There is no need to manually filter the staff of the particular locations.

    Assign Roles to each Staff

    CMMSGo allows you to assign roles to each of your staff. By managing their permissions gain control over their access to certain parameters.

    Work Order Management

    The Work Order Management feature of CMMSGo goes with hassle-free and paperless management of work orders. This also helps out with Plan Management and other tasks from anywhere through any of the devices.
    The management can create the work orders by observing the assets and also, providing High, Medium, or Low Priority of the work request received. The management will have the authority to assign the work request to any of the existing users. The task status can be updated by the users as well as the management. The whole process is a transparent and handy one. The detailed page of Work Order Management can guide you through Task Status, Asset Information, Due Dates, and more.
    Along with this, each detail can be viewed through the calendar view on a Monthly, Weekly, and Daily basis.

    Assets Management

    Creating and managing the whole asset with their assembled parts has been very convenient through the assets management feature of CMMSGo. This allows you to track which equipment you want and in what quality and state you want.
    Also, with the advanced feature, you can watch over the previous maintenance logs as well as the cost that occurred.

    Parts Management

    Isn’t it stress-free to keep a tap on the number of parts being put to use in different assets at times? The parts creation and management feature of CMMMSGo makes it smooth and easy to go.
    The technician has been handed over the details of the work orders in CMMSGo. It becomes easy for them to check the availability of the parts in various locations. One can track the usage of parts, where and by whom through this feature.

    Plan Maintainance Management

    From several manual maintenance requests, you must have to decide the priority and with the time you must have to check them with the task status. This is used to be done manually till now. The Plan Maintainance Feature of CMMSGo will give you a thorough insight into what, and in which priority is the maintenance task to be finished.
    Also, the detail page of any of the plan maintenance allows you to guide the users with the help of Description, various Instructions given in diversified formats namely, Checkboxes, Data, Files, Numbers, Radio Buttons, Selection, Text Field/ Area. Using such, the instructions between both sides are kept transparent.
    Also, another feature of Invoice is there which are aligned with the particular invoices with the particular tasks done.

    Vendor and Purchase Orders Management

    Vendors are the people who are helping us when we are outsourcing the parts of the assets for maintenance. Here, with the vendor management feature of CMMSGo, it is seamless to manage the whole tasks in a streamlined process.
    To move ahead, you have to add the personal details of the vendors initially. Following that, you can associate assets they maintain and parts they provide. With the feature of Purchase Orders here, you can directly create the purchase orders for that particular vendor.


    Here you can see what updates came out and did we bring new to the version. Check Changelog


    Please send support request here for any issues, questions or suggestions. To save time and get quick feedback, please don’t ask for support in comments section.

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