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Equicare - A Medical Equipment Maintenance System

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by codecanyon
Equicare - A Medical Equipment Maintenance System


Equicare is a medical equipment maintenance system designed with a view to simplify the maintenance and service calls entries for the installed medical equipment. It’s easier than ever to keep the track of breakdown & preventive maintenance and calibrations. Equicare generates unique code for each installed equipment which makes it really easy to manage multiple equipment installed in multiple hospitals in multiple departments. Equicare comes really handy for dealers and companies who are in the business of medical supplies to record their activities, equipment details and maintenance services.

Installation guide:

“Demo Account Details”

password: password

Equicare Version 2.0 Features


  • Hospital & Department Module
    - Add/Update/Delete the Hospitals and departments
  • Equipment Management
    - Keep records of your equipment
    - Purchase, installation and server details
    - Generate unique code for equipment with makes it easy to identify the hospital and department it’s installed in
    - QR code generator for Equipments
    - Equipment History Page
  • Breakdown & Preventive Maintenance Calls
    - Handle Breakdown and Preventive maintenance calls for installed equipment, assign them to engineer and track the handling.
  • Calibration Report and Stickers
    - Calibrations reports and their sticker printouts to stick on installed equipment
  • AMC and CMC Management
    - AMC and CMC contracts with Hospitals covering equipment details
  • Time Indicator and Equipment Reports
    - Time Indicator reports to efficiently improving the workflows
  • Automated Reminders
    - Reminders for Preventive Maintenance calls and Calibrations
  • User and Permission Management
    - User Roles with selectable permissions

Vesrion: v2.0.1
Minor Bug Fixes

Vesrion: v2.0.0
Updated Laravel version to 9.26.1
Improvements and minor Bug Fixes

Vesrion: v1.2.0
QR codes for Equipment
Equipment History Page
Minor Bug Fixes

Vesrion: v1.0.1
Minor Bug fixes

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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