Classify Ads | Full Android Application

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by pavlistudio
Classify Ads | Full Android Application


Classify Ads is a complete Universal app template you can use to offer mobile classifieds service to professionals and end users, they will be able to post ads all via their devices, additionally they can just search for what they need or browse listings by Categories and subcategories!

Classify Ads is very easy to customize, Universal, native Android Studio project, Java language, Firebase backend

App Features

  • Simple, clean and intuitive user interface
  • Amazing and minimal design
  • Ads are stored in the Firebase database.
  • Create, update and delete categories with realtime firebase database are very easy check this.
  • Google AdMob banner and interstitial
  • Fully step by step documentation
  • Sample database is included.
  • 100% Ready to style and publish on Google Play
  • Easy to re-skin
  • Beautiful and professional looking design
  • Nice and minimal Android native design
  • List of cool resources to use
  • Super lightweight application

iOS Version Available

Classify Ads | Full Android Application - 1

Reskin Services

Classify Ads | Full Android Application - 2

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    • 6 month free support included from author
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    • 360 degrees quality control
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