ClanVent - Inventory with POS and Accounts Management System

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by itclan
ClanVent - Inventory with POS and Accounts Management System


ClanVent is an Inventory Management System that allows you to manage your inventory in a more efficient way and maximize on the business potentials. From SME to large enterprises managing the inventory is always a challenge to overcome. ClanVent can solve all of those problems and tick the right boxes to ensure productivity is achieved for the users who would potentially be benefitted from this.

Live Demo

Admin Login:
password : 12345678

Customer Login:
password : 12345678

Manager Login:
password : 12345678

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description ClanVent - Inventory Management System description ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

ClanVent - Inventory Management System description

Technology Information

  • Software Framework: Laravel 8
  • Language: PHP 7.4
  • DB: MySQL
  • Frontend: VueJS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3

Detailed Features

  • Dashboard: A centralized Dashboard that is responsive and interactive for the user to take advantage of. Some of the widgets within the Dashboard can provide useful information which is critical from the business. Users can apply filters within the dashboard to avail real-time data which is efficient and time saving. Some of the widgets from the Dashboard are interactive enough that the user can directly view that information with a single click.
  • Product Management: A complete workflow for product management. Users can manage products with the option to apply different types of attributes
  • Warehouse and Supplier Management: Dynamically use the Warehouse and Supplier modules to manage the critical information of both the warehouses and suppliers.
  • Payment Gateway: ClanVent allows the user to send payment links directly to the customer with a flexible payment option including: cash, electronic & bank transfer. These payments can also be made partially in multiple transactions. The user can send invoices to the customers with the option to have multiple recipients. Once payment is completed the user can still process a refund. Users can configure the payment related information on their own using the Settings module for their maximum convenience.
  • Invoice: ClanVent stands out from other products out there when it comes to the invoice feature. It is completely customizable by the User and the level of customization is enriched with options that can simply empower SMEs or large enterprises to focus more on their productivity.
  • Reports: The Sales Report enables the user to generate dynamic yet powerful data-driven scenarios for the user to finalize on critical decision making. This particular report produces data that can be exported in different file formats expanding to either universal data or a specific one. ClanVent has many reports to meet most of the needs of the user.


1. What will I get after purchase?

Ans: You will get the full source code with detailed documentation.

2. How do I contact with support?

Ans: Please feel free to contact us at for any kind of support.

3. How do I update my existing application?

Ans: Please refer to the “Update” section of the most recent documentation.


Latest Version 3.4 on 14 March 2023

Added: RESTful API
      -Customer Invoice Management
      -Admin customer auth
      -Customer signup
      -Profile update
      -Country, state, city
      -Admin home page
      -Product list
      -Purchase list
      -Product returns and return requests
      -Invoice list, show, download
      -Expense report
      -Sale, purchase, payment, warehouse stock report, loss profit report API
      -Customer home page API
      -Customer invoice list, show, download API
      -Customer payment and purchase report
      -Customer returnable invoice and return request list
      -Customer draft invoice list and details
      -Categories and warehouse-wise all product stocks customer and admin panel
      -Invoice Create
      -API key setting for API security
      -Add rich text editor
Fixed: Discount calculation issue   
Fixed: Customer registration state-city issue  
Update: Update on webpack and htaccess for the project run from root dir

Latest Version 3.3 on 28 December 2022

Fixed: product purchase receive issue
Updated: Installer update

Latest Version 3.2 on 27 December 2022

Update: Attribute wise product price set
Update: Attribute wise invoice create from admin and customer panel
Update: Attribute wise purchase create, purchase receive, purchase return
Update: Attribute wise sale return
Update: Attribute wise draft invoice crate
Fixed: Some known issues

Latest Version 3.1 on 07 December 2022

Fixed: Product search customer invoice and draft
Fixed: Product show after barcode scan on customer and admin panel
Fixed: Note shown in POS print
Fixed: Return product amount show in invoice
Fixed: Select warehouse while returning a product from the customer panel
Added: Customer purchase and payment report
Added: Time Zone and script color settings
Added: Settings for showing or hiding the logo in the invoice

Latest Version 3.0 on 16 November 2022

Fixed: Image upload and file exist issue
Fixed: Design update
Fixed: Database default length issue
Fixed: Invoice edit issue
Fixed: Miscalculation is POS Issue
Fixed: Sale Return Issue
Fixed: Navbar Scroll Issue
Fixed: PDF Download Issue
Fixed: Proper message not showing while deleting anything
Added: Customer Login & Registration
Added: Verified /unverified customer from admin panel
Added: Customer Dashboard
Added: Customer Profile Update
Added: Customer Invoice Management
      -Invoice create
      -Show details
      -View Payment Log
      -Download Invoice
      -Payment link
      -Product Return Request
      -Apply coupon
      -Save invoice to draft
Added: Draft invoice management
      -Draft to invoice
Added: Product Refund
      -Refund request creatable list
      -Refund request list
Added: Coupon System
      -Product add-to coupon 
      -Coupon apply on warehouse sale
Updated: New Dashboard wizard and customize-able with permissions
Updated: Product price difference between customer and warehouse sale
Updated: Product type warehouse sale or customer panel sale or both
Updated: Sale return warehouse Choose
Updated: Quantity add on expanse create
Updated: POS subcategory tree view add
Updated: Image preview on upload
Updated: Asset versioning
Updated: Dynamic on delete warning message 
Updated: Dynamic File System Driver


Latest Version 2.2 on 28 September 2022

Fixed: Installer issue
Fixed: Dimensions, weight and tax in decimal values
Fixed: All Datatable Action Button Issues
Fixed: Currency Symbol bug fix on null
Added: Subcategory
Added: Subcategory tree view
Updated: Product price editable on invoice create & update

Latest Version 2.1 on 21 July 2022

Fixed: SMTP Setup with Gmail and Office 365
Fixed: Database Error during Installation
Fixed: All Datatable Action Button Issues
Fixed: Some Datatable Search Issues
Added: Warehouse-wise Product Show Details Page Stock Show
Added: Warehouse-wise Product Stock Report
Added: Some Datatable Link Show Details
Updated: App Admin Show on User List
Updated: Product List page Tax Calculation

Latest Version 2.0 on 07 June 2022

Added: Realtime Warehouse Stock Showcase
Added: Warehouse-wise Invoicing
Added: Warehouse-wise POS Creation
Added: Warehouse-wise Sale Return and Stock Update
Added: Warehouse-wise Purchase Report
Added: Warehouse-wise Sale Report
Added: Warehouse-wise Payment Report
Added: Warehouse-wise Stock Update for Variant Product
Added: Product Stock Alert
Added: Product Stock Alert Notification on Mobile App
Added: Product Stock Alert Email Notifications
Added: Product Creation with Stock Adding Functionality

Version 1.1 on 20 April 2022

Fixed: Copy To Clipboard Issue including Alert
Fixed: Expense Chart Issue including Expense Use
Added: Warehouse Name, Add product Name, Current Quantity show in Stock Adjustment Page
Added: Short Address in Address Description
Added: Supplier Details Page with all Purchase List & Purchase Product List
Added: Product ID Hyperlink & Invoice ID Hyperlink in Customer Details Page
Added: Invoice list, Invoice Product List and Pay functionality from Customer Details Page
Added: Invoice ID Hyperlink
Added: Reset Button for Invoice Create Page
Updated: Invoice Note
Updated: Invoice Input Field Visibility
Updated: Product Barcode Bulk Download using Checkboxes
Updated: Return Quantity Appears on Invoice
Updated: Stock Adjustment (Subtraction & Addition)
Updated: All Image Upload with Dimension Instructions

Baseline Version 1.0 on 17 December

initial release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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