Cargo Pro - Courier System

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by Bdaia
Cargo Pro - Courier System Android Travel Booking & Rent Mobile App template


For mobile applications inquiries contact us at:

For the mobile apps please install and test it from Google Play & Apple Store:
Customer app:

Username: client

Password: 123456

Employee app:

Username: employee

Password: 123456


Cargo Pro

It is a software designed for companies that handle packages to monitor the logistics of storage and cargo handling to their final destination and manging employees and drivers so you can track all of your company.

This system is the build on OctoberCMS which is based on Laravel, the advantage of this software is that it is a web system, allowing it to be accessed from a PC, Tablet or Smartphone possessing an Internet connection and a webservices api’s ready (only for cargo mobile applications, until now we don’t have documenation for them) so it can be integrated directly to any ios or android mobile applications if you have programming knowledge.

The client have the ability to login and request or track his packages.


  • Live Notifications: with a tone you, your clients and your employees will never miss a notification without the need to refresh the page everytime to check.
  • SMS Notificaitions: ready to be integrated with your account on clickatell directly to send sms for whatever you needs.
  • Dynamic Workflow: in every step you can choose which one will receive the notification and what he can do too
  • Multilingual System: you can add any language you need and have the ability to translate it directly from your dashbaord
  • Multi Currency: you can add any currency you need directly from your dashbaord
  • Integrated Backup System: from your dashbaord you have the ability to take a full backup, files backup or database only backup.
  • alot more …

Here’s the full workflow scenario:

  1. Order created (by employee or direct client [can be eCommerce company as example]).
  2. Your responsible employee will receive notification that there is a new order request (From setting you can choose which employee or department’s employees or manager or whoever you want to be the responsible for receiving the new order request notification).
  3. The responsible employee in the previous point will approve the order.
  4. A notification will be sent to the receiver
  5. Another notification will be sent to another employee (From setting also you can choose which employee or department’s employees or manager or whoever you want to be the responsible for receiving the new order after has been approved notification).
  6. The responsible employee in the previous point will assign this order to an employee (like a driver for example).
  7. A live website, push, SMS and email notifications will be sent for this employee (driver) [so he can know he requested to go to the place so he can receive the package as an example].
  8. From the website or the mobile application he will confirm the receive action and confirm the receiver address and the money he will collect from him or from the sender if its a prepaid service.
  9. Then he will have some actions either on the mobile application or on the website shipment dashboard like postpone the shipment, discard, or deliver, …. And everyone from this Is directly effecting the shipment status.

About the meanings in shipment page:

  1. Courier fees: the fees that you get for your service
  2. Package fees: You sender can request from you to collect money for him and send it back to him after delivery, this money is the package fees.
  3. Return courier fees: the fees if you need to return something to the sender again like the above example.
  4. Return package cost: just for the system and removed for customer.
  5. Return package fees responsible: when returning a collected money from receiver to the customer the fees for this action who will pay for it ? The receiver or the sender.
  6. Postpaid: the shipping fees will be collected from the receiver
  7. Prepaid: the shipping fees will be collected from the sender

Shipments Types

  1. Pickup: means that the customer needs to ship a package from his address so you need to send an employee to his address to pick up the package.
  2. Drop Off: means that the customer wen to your office and will send it from there, so you will directly send it.


  • PHP 7.x
  • Curl Library


v3.0.4 – [ 17 Aug 2020]

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

v3.0.3 – [ 10 Aug 2020]

- Fixes.
- New installation error fix after the last update.

v3.0.2 – [ 6 Aug 2020]

- Fixes.
- New installation error fix after the last update.

v3.0.1 – [ 4 Aug 2020]

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

v3.0.0 – [ 29 June 2020]

- NEW: Container Module.
- NEW: New Shipment type [Normal Shipment].

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

v2.1.0 – [ 07 May 2020]

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
- Adding manual install steps to documentation.

v2.0.0 – [ 26 Apr 2020]

- NEW: Simple and Advanced mode for add shipment.
- NEW: Simple and Advanced mode for update shipment.
- NEW: Simple and Advanced mode for print shipment label.
- NEW: Upload multiple shipments by importing excel sheet.
- NEW: Print multiple shipments label.
- NEW: Change multiple shipments status.
- NEW: Assign multiple shipments for a specific employee.
- NEW: Some new Webservice for cargo mobile applications new features combitability.

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

v2.0.0 – [ 24 Jan 2020]

- NEW: API's for the mobile applications.
- NEW: SMSALA integration [SMS Provider].
- NEW: Paystack integration [Payment Gateway].
- NEW: Employee mobile application is ready [IOS&Android] _sold separately_.
- NEW: Customer mobile application is ready [IOS&Android] _sold separately_.
- NEW: Employee GEO Tracking module _mobile applications required_.
- NEW: Shipment GEO Tracking module _mobile applications required_.

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

After updating, please CLEAR the browser’s cache or hard reload the page ( for Win Ctrl+F5 or CMD+Shift+R on Macs), or simply try accessing the page with another browser that hasn’t yet cached the website.

v1.0.1 – [ 15 Jan 2020]

- NEW: Add Registeration Function for company customers.
- NEW: Add Tracking page for non logged in customers.

- Fixes.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

After updating, please CLEAR the browser’s cache or hard reload the page ( for Win Ctrl+F5 or CMD+Shift+R on Macs), or simply try accessing the page with another browser that hasn’t yet cached the website.

v1.0.0 – [ 11 Jan 2020]

- Cargo Pro Created

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