BudgetBuddy is your one-stop shop for managing your finances. With this easy-to-use expense tracker app, you can track your transactions, view reports, and stay on top of your budget. Whether you’re looking to save money or simply want to understand where your money is going, BudgetBuddy is the perfect tool for you.
Technology used
BudgetBuddy is built with Flutter 3.13.7. It is suitable for the Google Play
Store and use AdMob for rewarded video ads. It uses GetX state management for high performance. The
app is optimized for any Android device and is easily customizable with
a creative layout. It is lightweight and powerful with fast performance
and comes with free Google fonts and updates. The code is
well-commented, and the app includes developer-friendly documentation
that is available online for easy access. The biggest advantage that
Flutter in comparison to native Android is the cross-platform
support, you can use the same codebase for different platforms
like Android, etc.
App Features

Manage Expenses

Multiple Account Available

View Reoprt

Set budget goals

Data security

Track your transactions:

Earning with Google AdMob

Offline App

Getx State Management

All Source Code

Clean Code and Online Documentations

No Coding Knowledge Required
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