Budget Control

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by NiskoCode
Budget Control  Miscellaneous


Brief description

By using Budget Control app you’ll be able to control and track your project budgets and transactions.

Budget Control - simple and useful

Key features of the app:

  • Manage Multiple users and groups
  • Manage Budgets
  • For each budget create and use color labeled categories
  • Export data in PDF and CSV formats
  • Configurable email notifications
  • Easy customizable currency settings
  • Built on Codeigniter php Framework
  • Clean MVC Pattern makes future customizations easier
  • Fully Responsive
  • Fully Translatable
  • Easily customizable for your business

Live preview

For more experience try Live preview and Online Documentation.

Manager area:
Email: manager@example.com
Pass: 12345678

User area:
Email: test@example.com
Pass: 12345678

Change log

v 2.0
- Most of the code has been rewritten to be up to the newer standards.
- Support for the php 8
- Updated core framework (Codeigniter) to the v4
- Updated Bootstrap to the v5
- UI/UX improvements

v 1.4.2
- Bug fixes and improvements 

v 1.4
 - Upgraded framework from CI 2 to CI 3
 - Added feature to customize email templates
 - Fluid widescreen layout
 - Bug fixes and improvements

v 1.3
 - Visual fixes and improvements
 - Code fixes and improvements
 - Added formatting for task notes
 - Added file attachment option for tasks
 - Added feature to add and delete transactions using the manager area

v 1.2.1
 - Fixed Minor Bugs
 - More detailed budget reports
 - Users are able to delete their transactions

v 1.2
 - Added tasks management system
 - Added categories support for transactions
 - Added settings for branding (Custom company logo)
 - Added support for creating reports in CSV files
 - Added loader while performing ajax request
 - Added favicon support for variety of devices
 - Added email notifications support
 - Fixed minor bugs
 - Reports got more cleaner
 - Corrected some spelling problems
 - Code got more clean and organized
 - Improved user experience
 - Updated favicon

v 1.1
 - Fixed Minor Bugs
 - Choose Currency Symbol Position
 - Pagination for Budgets page
 - Settings for Transactions and Budgets pagination
 - App is now fully translatable (See documentation for more info)
 - Transaction creation form now shows selected budget’s remaining amount and overspend status.
 - Settings page now shows app summery
 - Search through Transactions
 - Multiple files attachment support for transactions
 - PDF reports are slightly more cleaner

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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