Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share

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by xtremetom
Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share Android Game Mobile App template


The Game

Broken Rocket is simple fun game where you pilot a broken rocket that can only turn right. How long will you survive as you fly through barriers and meteors.

Game Engine

Built on the LIBGDX framework using Java, this game supports both ECLIPSE and ANDROID STUIDO.

19/06/05 Game Change

You can now let users turn left and right

Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 1 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 2 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 3 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 4 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 5 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 6 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 7 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 8 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 9 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 10

Full Game Features

  1. Full control over game mechanics to alter game speed and many other game aspects like hero size and distance between barriers and rock count.
  2. Full support for all languages, just make sure your font supports the characters you wish to use.
  3. All art work* has been created by me and you are fully licensed to use it.
  4. All sounds are copyright free and free to use
  5. Music in the video is included in the game
  6. Easily edit all fonts
  7. Easily edit all images

Full Google Features

  1. Enable/Disable IAP as you wish
  2. Complete ad control, set banner position, change the interstitial ad frequency.
  3. Leader boards and achievements

Design Elements Included

All Files I Used to Create the Graphics Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 11

All PSDs used to create the game Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 12

Complete Images for Skin 1 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 13

Complete Images for Skin 2 Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 14

Item Variations Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 15

Google Achievements Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 16

Google Promotional Template Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 17

Logo, Text and Button Template Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 18

All Used Fonts Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 19

InkScape Vectors of Game Images Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 20


  1. Step by step guide to skinning the game
  2. Detailed help with troubleshooting
  3. Full contact details should you need further help

*The space man was not created by me.Broken Rocket - Leaders + IAP + Admob + Share - 21

VERSION 1.01 – 18/06/2015

- Added handler to allow left and right controls (settings.xml line: 54)
- Added a no google services version for Eclipse (customer request)

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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