Block Puzzle Jewel (Facebook Ads + Android Studio)

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by gradle
Block Puzzle Jewel (Facebook Ads + Android Studio)



As you know Facebook audience pay 5x more then Admob nowadays! More security related to earnings, since you separate your game in the store and earnings : not with Adsense but the plateform Facebook Developers.

Block Puzzle Jewels. game play very simple: just drag, drop and fill up all the grid. But once playing, you can’t be stopped attracted by this classic brick game. One of the most highlight of this online block mania is design and color. it has different levels challenge puzzle maker: Simple, hard and expert. Block Puzzle Jewel (Facebook Ads + Android Studio) - 1 Playing:

- Drag and drop block into right place. There are many brick shapes to pick up. - Game will be over if there are no room for any the shapes . - You cannot rotate when playing - You can think as much as you want before pick up one. NO limited time. Features:

★ Simple play and easy control ★ Various block shape ★ No limited time to play ★ Play Block Puzzle Jewels whenever you are free. No need internet.

Key Features

● Easy to edit and reskin ● Optimized for Mobile ● Facebook Ads INTEGRATED ( BANNER AND INTERSTITIAL ) ● Universal (phone & tablet) ● Documentation (video)

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How To :

- Open Project Into Android Studio.

- Change the package name

- How to Change Graphics game.

- How to change the Facebook Banner and Interstitial ID .

If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.

!!! this game is base on cordova plugins. this game is not based on unity. this game is not based on build box.
you’ll need only Android Studio.

Q: How can I manage my console well and win with my Admob?
A: My first advice, do not waste a lot of time with the code, many buyers really have good skills, and good ideas for improvement.
But, improve nothing is the number 1 winning rule.
Publish and when it works well improve.

Q: So, what do I do?
We did all, to provide you with a functional game without any errors during the play.
You have been provided with a good documentation to launch in Android Studio even for someone who has never worked with it, by following the documentation video.
So, quickly skinning your game, create an id banner and an interstitial id in your console and integrate them into the project. In general, make a skin and all these stages of publication will take you 3 days the first time. For a professional less than a day.

Q: Interesting, and then?
A: Publish a game is good, but you have a new job: make it known. Do not rely on the passenger consulting Playstore.
Add posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, ... join groups or forums. Register in CPA offers or Send mailing. This is the winning rule number 2.
This is what Envato is doing, to be at the top of the digital sales markets : advertising campaigns for mailing, and attractive offers for the referal .

Q: How much will I earn ?
A game in its first time, with your console little known, emm it can bring you a $ 1 per day, which is $ 30 per month.

Q: No, no, I do not break my head for $ 30 in a month? I will give up so !!!
- Like all investment, a game that will take you 2 or 3 days to launch. If you start 10 games, you will earn $ 300 a month (but respecting rule 2), and this is only in the beginning, month after month it improves.
So if your strategy is based on launching a single game: give up.
- A good console that contains 15 games can earn an average of $ 1800 a month, when it is well-known, so focus on the good reviews and the number of stars for each game released.
- I know people, who have consoles with 60 games, so imagine how much they earn .

Q: I saw on youtube people who earn 1k per day!!!
A: Respecting, the rules of the advertising and by no inter at startup. you win little but forever.

Do not fall into the trap of spam, it will only cause you a suspension of your console, and finally to start again from the beginning, even with much limitation because you would have lost your reputation, even if you change the phone, mailbox or vpn, you will always be traced, don’t ask me why, because I don’t have the right

More Games :


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