Are you interesting to make one AI application on Android and iOS to calculator BitMEX cryptocurrency margin signal. MexAI is the best choise for you.
This is an automated system for analyzing price data of XBT on bitmex. Application will automatically find the right entry points with Long or Short type for you all times of the day.
Developed and integrated with the world’s leading expert in the financial and crypto market, Application will automatically find the right buy and sell points for you all times of the day.
When using this application, you do not need to do any work from the smallest to the most important.
You do not have to: - Technical analysis - Sitting at the price - Manual operation - Manipulation - No need to wake up the night.
You just need to install the application and use signals.
You will be extremely idle, with the value of your account still increasing day by day.
1. archive source code to /var/www/mexai on your server.
2. set crontab to calculator BitMEX Margin LONG SHORT Signal every 5 minutes: */5 * * * * cd ”/var/www/mexai” && /usr/bin/php artisan BitmexSignal >> /var/log/BitmexSignal.log 2>&1 &
NOTE: /var/www/mexai is path of source code api
3. Config web api; open config/database.php file – Change info DB connect: ‘database’ => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, ’’), ‘username’ => env(‘DB_USERNAME’, ’’), ‘password’ => env(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ’’),
4. chmod 777 folder – storage – bootstrap
5. import DB: file mexai.sql
6. Edit React Native code with Visual Studio Code :
6.1 Change you api url on file: Globals.js
7. Build your iOS app by Xcode
8. Build your Android app by Android Studio