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Bikram Sambat Calendar - Flutter

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by Digitria
Bikram Sambat Calendar - Flutter Flutter  Mobile App template




Flutter Bikram Sambat Calendar – A Complete Bikram Sambat and Gregorian calendar view, date picker, date converter and age calculator for iOS and Android. It’s a Hindu calendar and official calendar of Nepal. New events and holidays can be created, and existing events and holidays can be removed with swipe. Better user interface and animations.




  1. Bikram Sambat and Gregorian Calendar
  2. Bikram Sambat calendar including Gregorian day
  3. Date and time picker of both calendar
  4. Date Converter (Both AD to BS and BS to AD)
  5. Age calculator (Both from AD and BS)
  6. Monthly events and holidays (AD or BS)
  7. Language support (English, Hindi and Nepali)
  8. Material and Cupertino style
  9. Better user interface and animations
  10. Google AdMob


Release Notes

28 January 2020 - Version 1.0.1
Google AdMob Implemented
28 January 2020 - Version 1.0.0
Initial Release

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