BieXay - Food and Delivery App

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by angelbi88
BieXay - Food and Delivery App  Food & Goods Delivery Design Uikit


BieXay Food is a Food and Delivery App that helps to receive super fast food via mobile phone number, and also supports many payment method as Digital wallet, Cash, Local Wallet, Banking. You can choose many food and drink, you order food with just a tap.

Feature (18 Screens):
  • Launch & Walkthroughs: 6 Screens
  • Register: 8 Screens
  • Login: 2 Screens
  • Add email: 4 Screens
  • Home: 1 Screen
  • Search voice: 1 Screen
  • Search: 1 Screen
  • Search Location: 2 Screens
  • Log Out: 1 Screens
  • Profile: 2 screens
  • Payment method: 2 screens
  • On Going: 3 screens
  • Promolist: 3 Screens
  • Order food online: 8 screens
  • History: 3 screens
  • Add to Card: 1 screen
  • Card: 2 Screens
  • Choose payment method: 2 screens

Font Use

Prompt- Link :

Libre Baskerville- Link :


Some images such as Team photo, brand logos are not included in Sketch source file.

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