Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin

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by RazinSoftLtd
Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin Flutter  Mobile


Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 1 Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 2

Product Description

Laundry is the best flutter native mobile application. It has a clean User Interface created for the laundry agency. It has optimised and well-structured clean code and customisable features. Our expert developers build laundry delivery apps for android and ios. Experience the best laundry app services from us.

Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 3

Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 4

Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 5

Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 6

Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 7

Email :
Password: secret

What will you get?

  • Full Flutter Source Code
  • Lifetime Free Upgrade Version
  • Code Flexibility
  • Full php Laravel Code of Server Side
  • Full Documentation with Screenshot
  • Lifetime Support

    Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 8 Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 9 Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 10 Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 11
    Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 12

    Best Flutter Laundry App & Web Admin | Dry Cleaners App with web Admin - 13

    Admin Features

    • Dashboard Features
      • Show total income
      • Show total Users/Customer
      • Show all Products
      • Show all Services
      • Total Revenue
      • Overview (Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly)

    • Customer Orders Features
      • Show all orders list
      • Search by Order id, email address, Phone number Or Name wise
      • Show the customer order address and order information
      • Show Cusomter Order details
      • Easy print configrations and print

    • Manage Produsts Menu
      • Create Or Delete Services/Categorey
      • Create Or Delete Variants/ Sub Categorey
      • Create Or Delete Products
      • Add Coupon code percentage(%) wise or Flat Discount for customers

    • Notifications Featuere
      • Send customer notitcaiont single user, all user
      • Order status change wise send notification

    • Geneate Reports
      • Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearhly report sorting/Filtering
      • Show the Revenue report
      • Show the order report
      • Repoot preview or Print options

    • Promotional Banners Managne
      • Add the mulitpule promations banners
      • Edit Or update the banner
      • Delete the banner

    • Customers Or Users Secitions/Menu
      • Show the All Customers List
      • Create new Customers from Admin
      • View User or customer details
      • Edit or Update customer infomation
      • Delete or InActive customer (Block)

    • Contacts US Menu
      • Show the all users contact list

    • Settings or Configrations
      • dd/Edit/Update Privacy policy informaiton
      • Add/Edit/Update Contuct Us Inforamtons
      • Add/Edit/Update About Us Information
      Delivery Charge Edit/Update
      • Add/Edit/Update Delivery Charge
      • If we went set the Fee Delivery
      • Add/edit/update minimum order Amount

      Settings Update the Mobile Apps LINK
      • Android Playsotre link Set(It’s for web version )
      • iOS Appstore Link set (It’s fro web verison)

      Socail Link Configrations [Note: it only for web version]
      • Add Socal Link [Socal name, Socail media logo, Socal link]
      • Update Social Link
      • Delete Social Link

      Settings Stripe Payment
      • Set Stripe Public Key
      • Set Stripe Secret Key

      Settings Profile
      • Set the Admin Avater
      • Edit/Update the Admin Avater
      • Change Admin Password featurs

    • Admin Logout

    App Features

    • Authentication
      • Splash View
      • Getstart
      • User Login
      • User Registation
      • OTP Verficaiton View
      • Forgot Password Request
      • OTP Verficaiton For Forgot Password
      • Set New Posswrod View

    • Home Screen Features
      • Show Service Wise Catagory
      • Show all Active Order
      • Add Coupon code percentage(%) wise or Flat Discount for customers
      • Show Order Details summary

    • My Order Features
      • Show ANd Search Order ID
      • Show Cusomter Order details
      • Show Items List
      • Shipping Address/Delivery Location

    • My Cart Features
      • Pickup and Delivery Shedule
      • Online Payment methode
      • Cash On Delivery

    • Notifications Featuere
      • Show All Notification

    • Profile Features
      • Edit Or update Profile
      • Show Edit Or update Address
      • Show Privacy policy informaiton
      • Show Contuct Us Inforamtons
      • Show About Us Information
      • User Account Logout

    • Refund Policy

      We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded) Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.

      RATE US

      When you are purchasing this app, don’t forget to give a rate if you think this app is useful for you.

     Mobile & Web Admin V:0.0.2
                - Notifciaon Update 
                - Bug Fixing for smooth operations 
                - Regular and pos printer configrations
     Mobile & Web Admin V:0.0.1
            - Initial Release
  • Product tags

      • 6 month free support included from author
      • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
      • 360 degrees quality control
      Secure payment & money back guarantee

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