“Basketball Challenge Game” is a super fun and challenging game. Your main objective is to hit the basketball hoops making as few mistakes as possible, so your score will multiply more and more! Beat your own records in this game with real physics! Good luck!
- The game is ready to be published on your website.
- Just take the html5 files and upload them to your server.
- Developed using Construct 3 Release r327.2.
- HTML5 game Compatible With All Browsers
- Resolution (1280×720p)
- Playable on PCs and Mobile Devices
- Including Construct 3 file (.c3p)
- 59 Events / 05 layers / highscore system
- Responsive Game
- Exclusive Game
- Documentation
NOTE 1: Does not contain PSD, AI files, JPEG and PNGs files.
NOTE 2: You must have the paid version of Construct3 to export to Android or IOS. It is not allowed to resell the game as is and also export to Android or IOS “WITHOUT CHANGING THE GRAPHICS”.
- If you have any question, don’t hesitate in asking me.
- If you want me to reskin my game with your own graphics or change part of the game, contact me via email.
- joffremacedoneto@gmail.com
– If You liked the Game, please leave a review!