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Asterial Mobile | PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App

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Asterial Mobile | PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App Android  Mobile App template


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Asterial rocks iOS design in a Beautiful Mobile PWA

The endless components and features Asterial rpovides are now even better! BEsides the fact that our customers love Classical HTML, we wanted more. Now we’re introducing Asterial Mobile | Progressive Web App Mobile Kit.

4 Pre-Built Versions Ready

We added the most requested and most popular navigation systems in Asterial Mobile, with 3 beautifully crafted styles to suit your needs. 3 Sidebar Navigations with classic, modern and creative designs and also a Fixed Footer Menu to match the latest User Interface Mobile Standards.

Creative iOS Design, Meet Crazy Speed

Asterial Mobile is designed to be blazing fast so your Mobile User Experience feels native, fresh and fast. Switching from page to page is done instantly with a gorgeous, full screen mobile preloader.

Asterial rocks on Components

We know you have your own style, and we respect it, that’s why we added an awesome and huge array of mobile components to easily help you create the best pages, just by copy and pasting them. And that’s not all, now, with our flexible components, you can edit all aspects of their design, without having to touch any CSS or JavaScript.

Gorgeous Pages to Complete a Stunning Design

Even though you can create your own pages with great ease, we added a tone of awesoe and easy to use pre-made pages so we can make your work easier and faster! Azures comes packed with 135 total pages and components for you to choose from!

Gorgeous Homepages and Starters!

Asterial comes reay for your mobile homepage, any idea you have in mind is designed to feel like a native mobile user experience with a gorgeous and carfully designed mobile user interface.
  • 3 Classic, iOS Designed Homepages with Cards
  • 2 Discover iOS Designed Homepages
  • 1 AppStore type Hompeage
  • 1 News Homepage Style
  • 1 Store Homepage Style
  • 1 Projects Showcase Homepage Style
  • 1 Goals Hoempage Style with Progress
  • 2 Unique Landing Page Icon Styles
  • 3 Unique Splash Screens
  • 3 Unique and Walkthrough Screens

Copy & Paste Components

Every Mobile componenet you could ever need, we’ve thought of and implmeneted, and with constant updates, our items get even more gorgeous features.
  • 8 Header Styles
  • 8 Footer Menu Styles
  • Add to Home Banners and Badges
  • Accordions with Multiple Styles
  • Action Sheets & Action Modals
  • Auto Dark Mode and Color Highlight Rentention
  • Buttons & Icons with tons of Styles
  • Back to Home Badge and Icon
  • Charts & Graphs powered by charts.js
  • Chips with Light and Dark Styles
  • Cookie Boxes and Consent Boxes
  • Cards with Gradients, Solid Colors or Background Images
  • Color Packs with Examples
  • Columns with Multiple Styles
  • Caption Boxes for any Content Design
  • Contact Form – Functional with AJAX
  • Collapse / Dropdown Elements
  • Dividers with Multiple Styles and Icons
  • Disqus Comments Integration
  • Emoji with Unicode
  • File Upload – Web API integrated
  • Facebook Comments Integration
  • Geolocation – Web API Integrated
  • Google Fonts – 600 to choose from
  • Header Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Footer Bar Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Gorgeous and Awesome Header & Footer Shapes
  • Image Effects on Tap – Scale, Grayscale, Blur
  • Images Preloaded & CSS Backgrounds Preloaded
  • Images with Infinite Background Effect
  • Link Lists with Badge and iOS/Android Switch Support
  • List Groups with Icons and Multiple Styles
  • Notifications Styled like iOS, Android and Bootstrap
  • Notification Alerts Large or Small with or without Icons
  • OS Detection – show content based on iOS or Android
  • Online & Offline Detection and Banners
  • Quotes and Review Elements
  • QR Code Generator or pre-generate for your existing page
  • Pagination styles enhanced from Bootstrap
  • Preloaders with multiple styles and colors
  • Pricing Tables with multiple styles insertable in Carousel/Slider
  • Reading Time Calculator – estimated time to read page
  • Snackbars & Toasts, with multiple styles and designs
  • Sliders and Carousels, powered by enhanced OwlCarousel
  • Social Sharing with automatic link adding from the page you share
  • Search System, functional with any element finding options
  • Tabs designed like iOS and Android pills
  • Tooltips for hovering to get extra info
  • Text resizer for Mobile Accessibility
  • User Lists & Groups with multiple styles
  • Working Hours – fully functional
  • Vibrate API integration for Android vibrate on tap

Media – Tap your images, feel your projects

No gallery element forgotten about, we’ve added them all! Showcase your projects and photos in style!
  • Switch view Gallery
  • Filter Category Gallery
  • Rounded & Squared Thumbnails
  • 6 Elegant Portfolio in One or Two Column Styles
  • Selected Project / Portfolio Item
  • Instant Portfolio, like Google Search results or Facebook Instant Articles

Pages – Esential Pages designed to feel like a Native Mobile Experience

  • About Us
  • Account Edit / Admin
  • Careers / Jobs
  • Calendars & Schedule Box
  • Chat / Message Bubbles
  • Cover Page
  • Credit Cards Page
  • Contact Page – Fully Functional
  • Coming Soon
  • 404 Page – Classic Screen
  • 404 Page – Background Screen
  • Event Cards & Event Details
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Instant Articles
  • Infinite Background Effect
  • Sign In / Login – Classic Screen
  • Sign In / Login – Background Screen
  • Sign In/ Login – With Social Media
  • Sign Up / Register – Classic Screen
  • Sign Up / Register – Background Screen
  • Sign Up / Register – With Social Media
  • Forgot / Reset Password – Classic Screen
  • Forgot / Reset Password – Background Screen
  • Full Screen Map
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Timeline – Center Items
  • Timeline – Left Icon Style
  • Profile Classic
  • Profile Instagram Style
  • Profile Edit/Admin View
  • Product – Card Styled
  • Product – Cover Image Styled
  • System Status
  • Settings Page – iOS Styled
  • Settings Page – Android Styled
  • Todo Lists
  • Task Lists
  • Task Progress
  • Under Construction
  • Terms of Service
  • Wallet / Finance Page


Version 3.0 – 12th September, 2020

Thank you for your feedback. Tis is the biggest update to Asterial since it’s release. Asterial now runs on Bootstrap 4.5, making it much more flexible and powerful than ever before
- Global - 10 Color Highlights
- Page - Subscription Plans
- Page - 3 Unique Landing Pages
- Component - Pricing Tables
- Component - Language Selector 
- Component - Age Verification
- Component - Embedly
- Component - Dark Mode Detection & Toggles
- Component - Unicode Emoji Support
- Component - User Lists
- Component - Progress Bars
- Component - Mobile Notification Styles
- Component - Mobile Alert Styles

Version 2.0.1 – 21st May, 2019

- Bug Fix - Resolved Search results sometimes not showing correctly.
- Improvement - Cache for PWA System Automatically Updates
- Improvement - Better overall PWA compatibility with Service Worker
- Improvement - Minor Improvements to Add to Home Banners
- Pages - Added Main Walkthrough / Landing / Starter Page.

Version 2.0 – 15th April, 2020

- Global - PWA (Progressive Web App ) Support, Sticky is now PWA ready
- Global - Remembering Dark Mode from Visit to Visit
- Page - Wallet with Transactions and Graphs
- Component - Working Hours
- Component - Pricing Packs
- Component - Geolocation with Web API
- Component - Vibration with Web API
- Component - File Upload with Web API
- Component - QR Code GEnerator
- Component - Embedly - Embed Anything
- Component - Facebook Comment Integration
- Component - Disqus Comment Integration
- Component - Online / Offline Detection
- Component - Add to Home Install Prompt for PWA
- Improvement - Added 31 new color schemes for faded colors.
- Improvement - Remember Light or Dark Mode for Future Visits.
- Improvement - All Scripts and Styles to Latest Stable Versions
- Improvement - Replaced BaguetteBox with Lightbox for better PWA Support.

Version 1.1 – 12th April, 2019

- Bug Fix - Minor bug fix affecting accordions.

Asterial Mobile | PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App - 16

Want more reasons to purchase

We’re the leading Mobile Author on the marektplaces, with over 25.000 happy customers and 10 years of experience. We love you, and strongly believe that we got to this point because of the awesome customers we’ve had! We’ll always reply to your support questions in less than 12 hours, we’ll always fix any bug that may appear, and we’ll always keep our items updated to be sure they work flawlessly without ever deleting them!

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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