AppSeed Catalogue - Full Application with self hosted backend

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by appseed
AppSeed Catalogue - Full Application with self hosted backend Ionic Ecommerce Mobile App template


AppSeed Catalogue is a complete system that suits any business’s needs to display and promote its products organizing them into categories. It comes with a powerful Self Hosted Administration Panel, where business owners can create/update their products, prices, business information etc.

This mobile app is a companion of the AppSeed Platform and it is structured so as to provide a variety of alternatives all aiming to present products, news and business’s useful information to the potential customers in an interesting manner.

AppSeed Catalogue is well-organized and well-documented, full working app that will enable you customize it rapidly according to the specifications of every business/store. Best practices have been applied to reassure a bug-free and smooth application.

Note: You will need to create a free account on the AppSeed Platform in order to use the mobile application. The mobile app talks to the AppSeed Platform.

AppSeed Catalogue - Full Application with self hosted backend - 1In a nutshell

A turnkey Catalogue Solution for presenting your products, product catalogues and managing your mobile app content. Minimal setup effort, no code required.

AppSeed Catalogue - Full Application with self hosted backend - 2Why choose AppSeed Catalogue

  • No code knowledge or tech development required
  • Clean and user-friendly interface
  • Easy installation/configuration, detailed quick start guide
  • Easily maintainable data via the AppSeed Platform
  • Full control over the mobile app content
  • Free updates: new features-fixes frequently
  • One codebase compatible with both Android and iOS
  • Quick and efficient support
  • Highly customizable structure, with modular architecture

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Feature request

Help us improve this app in a way that absolutely makes sense. Suggest the next feature you would like to see implemented. We are taking suggestions very seriously.


Android .APK

  • Android APK v1.0

Preview on iOS and Android – Ionic View

  • Download the Ionic View app )
  • Use the App ID D29B0C9D
Note: Some features are not fully functional for preview on Ionic View. Especially, those that need to launch another application of the device such as “Find us” which launches device’s Google Maps application.
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Mobile App

1. Product Presentation

Products are organised into categories with a title, a thumbnail and a price. Categories are displayed in card form with a title and a thumbnail.

The product screen provides additional information for each product including its price, description, a slideshow of images, a “Buy online” link, a “PDF” link and a “favorite” button. The “Buy online” link points to the product web page where the user can proceed with the purchase. The “PDF’’ points to an online pdf while the “favorite” button enables the user to add a product to their favorites list.

1.1 Home Screen

The application allows you to display several products on the home screen as a slideshow. Create your virtual window display by presenting there your attraction products!

1.2 Favorite Products

The favorites screen gathers all favorite products in a list and present them in one place so users can have quick access. Users can, also, send an email with the list of their favorites, for example, to ask for more information.

1.3 PDF and Buy Online

Online PDFs will give the chance to the buyers to be effectively and inexpensively informed of your products or have access to instruction manuals and other support documents.

Apart from the PDF, each product can be accompanied by a “Buy Online” link so the User will be transferred to the page where they can purchase the product.

2. Company (or Business) Information

Provide information about your business using Catalog Ionic features:

2.1 Opening Ηours

Let your clients know when your business is open. Set the Opening Hours in a matter of seconds and they will be automatically displayed on the “Contact Us” screen.

2.2 Contact options

Provide your clients with three different contact options: Phone number, email and business location on the map. Just set your phone number, your email address and your location and you are all ready! The Catalogue Ionic will take care of the rest and will make available to the users 3 buttons:
  • Call us: It will make the device to start a call to the phone number you have defined
  • Send us an Email: Mailer will open with your business’s email already set so as the user won’t need to type it
  • Map / Get directions: The map application which is already installed on the device will be launched to show your exact location on the map and the User will be able to get directions to reach your business.

3. Social networks

Catalogue Ionic app provides four buttons for the most popular social networks; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Clients would be able to see your social profile with just one click.

4. News

Shows a list of news articles to keep your clients updated. Each article is accompanied by an image, a title and a description.

4.1 Wordpress / Drupal or JSON News

Additionally, this app gives you the choice to fetch and display news and announcements about your business/store by using an already existing Wordpress and/or Drupal site. Everything you need for that is already built and no additional code is required.

5. Push notification

A full working Push notification example is integrated into the application. It comes also with detailed instructions on how to configure everything in your end and have your application ready to receive Push Notifications.

6. Devices

The code is extremely tested on iOS and Android mobile phones.

7. Modular Architecture

Catalogue Ionic’s modular architecture is going to eliminate any unnecessary complexity. Its code is clean and well-organised into modules to make your customisations even easier.

You could review this super-modular architecture by checking our SuperModular Ionic starter, which is provided for free.

8. Automatic Content Update

All the content of the mobile app is synchronized with the content of the administration panel without any additional configuration.

Catalogue Backend / Appseed Platform

Self hosted control panel with an incredible free-for-life tier and an intuitive user interface:

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1. Product Builder

Create product categories and product items with images, description, price, PDF and buy links in seconds.

2. News Articles

Articles are just as easy to create by filling the related form with a title, a description and an image.

3. Store Management

Manage business info, opening hours, location, social media accounts and contact info.

4. Promotions

Promote your products by picking what products will be displayed in the slideshow box on the home screen of the mobile with a simple move. Check the related box to display a product or uncheck it to stop displaying it.

5. Browser Compatibility

AppSeed Platform is designed to be functional on all major web browsers.

6. Expand your technologies using AppSeed’s RESTful API

Expand the reach of your business technologies using Appseed’s RESTful API! The AppSeed Platform comes with a well-documented Restful JSON API that handles authentication and access to all the data that resides in the application. A single step is required in order to create an API user through the platform’s interface and you are all set to make API calls.


This is a product of AppSeed. Find out more by visiting our website or contact us via our support center .

Change log

1.0 - February 01, 2017
- Initial release

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