Aovis is a cinema theme for booking tickets online. The theme supports owners set up mutiple venues for their cinema with many showtime.
The theme is perfect for booking tickets online, movie showcase, cinema business, movie production, film industry and film studio.
Aovis will be an outstanding solution for booking tickets cinema website. It has 03+ premade homepage demos with all sorts of elements and components for a booking cinema website. You can take them all or customize to suit your cinema business.
The themes supports many Elements with multiple template for showing movies. You can display movies listing with many options: All Movies, Coming Soon, Now Playing, Featured, Category, Special Date, Week, Month.
Movies – Booking Tickets WordPress Theme displays the all information of a film: Gallery, Video, Name, Director, Preimier, Writer, Time, Rating, Top Cast, Story Line.
With Aovis theme, you can setup multiple venues for cinema with many showtime. You can create manually showtime or import showtime from a .CSV file, this will save time for you. Also you can export showtime to a .CSV file, so you can easily check it in excel.
You can create Rooms easily with theme. Setup Seat Map for per Room individually. Setup Price for per Seat.
The themes supports booking a ticket online. The customers choose a film and a showtimef for booking.
The Admin can createa booking in backend then send tickets for customer. The owners can check sales reports of any film, any time.
The Admin can exports Tickets to CSV file, so you can view it in Excel. The system Supports exports with many options: Movies, Status, From Date … To Date, City, Venue, Rooms, Order by…
The theme use WooCommerce plugin for booking payment, so you can install multiple payment gateway to use.
Aovis – Movies Booking Tickets WordPress Theme is aimed to make the customization experience simple, so it goes with Elementor page builder. It supports you to build content on your site by a drag-and-drop interaction and to display your changes visually & immediately.