Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution.

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by naz141
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. Android Travel Booking & Rent Mobile App template


New update support Android O – version 29 (17-01-2020)

Taxi Booking Android App & Web Application

Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 1

DEMO – Web Application (PHP)
Username : Admin
Password : 123

DEMO – Android Application APK
Android APK Download Link

Android – Passenger Login

Email –
Password – c1@123

Android – Driver Login

Email –
Password – d5@123

Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 2
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 3
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 4
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 5
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 6
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 7
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 8

Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 9
Android App Taxi Booking with Web Admin panel complete solution. - 10

Change Log

New update support Android O - version 29 (17-01-2020)
All new features and new UI changes- 2017-01-09
Fixed on map marker click popup - 2017-03-26
Updated to Android Studio IDE
Updated guide doc
Update minor design changes in android app
Fixed web google map API key issue
Fixed server down error on mobile app.
Improved reliability and tested crash test
Android and PHP knowledge required to setup the app. Please email me in order to setup for customized cost.

What You Get

  1. Android Studio Project source files
  2. Admin Panel source files (PHP)
  3. MySQL database backup
  4. Guide and instructions

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