First add one div in your .html file.
<div id='gaugeDiv' style="width: 750px; height: 700px;background-color: rgb(145, 145, 145); "></div>
Next load the Javascript file.
<script src='gauge.js' ></script>
Next create instance of Gauge ang give the id of div.
var gKm = new Gauge('gaugeDiv'); // gKm instance
Now customization the gauge as you wish.
gKm.Scale(1.8,1.5); // size scale of gauge
gKm.Position(-10,0); // position in div element
gKm.MinValue=0; // min number to measure
gKm.MaxValue=220; // max number to measure
gKm.StartPos=-140; // start position min number
gKm.EndPos=140; // start position max number
gKm.Numbers=12; // counter number to displayed
gKm.Text='Km/h'; // text to display
gKm.FontSize=10; // size of numbers and text
gKm.SetValue=120; // the needle moves to 120
gKm.MoveTime=.3; // move time from one position to another in seconds.(Default is .7 sec)
ONLY canvas.
NOT dependencies from other Plugins.
Compatible Browsers: Edge,Chrome,Firefox,Opera