2 App Templates | Docotor Appointment Flutter UI template | Medico | Practo

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by mvp_minds
2 App Templates | Docotor Appointment Flutter UI template | Medico | Practo


Medico is UI Component + UI kit about Doctors’ appointments App, This UI Kit comes with around 50+ Screens and it will workes on both platforms android and iOS. This UI enables you to develop beautiful and feature-rich apps. you can take some part of the code whatever you like and implement it into your code. Our Code is well organized with all folders, file names, class name variables and functions. As well as it’s well-named makes this code easy to reuse and customize.

Prebuild app templates are designed to save your time and money, with help of this app you can save 1000+ development hours and money.









  • Made with: Flutter 2.10.5
  • Null Safety
  • Flutter Widgets used
  • Easy to understand layouts
  • Well organized Documentation
  • 30+ Premium mobile screens, enhance your product design workflow
  • 100% customizable
  • Ready to use


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