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Xtractor for Google Maps & Places

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by codecanyon
Xtractor for Google Maps & Places


Peter has a business to repair turbo car. He wants to offer his services to all the workshops in the area and even offer to receive and send the repaired turbochargers by courier throughout the country. You can do a search on Google Maps and go one by one looking for all the workshops in the country, clicking and checking if they have a telephone and a website to contact them. Obviously this will take a lot of time and effort.

Or you can use XTRACTOR, draw & search on the map where you want to find workshops, and have in seconds everything you need to have a customer database ready: you can export the results to EXCEL or directly to a Google Contacts CSV format. You just have to import the contacts into your Google account and start sending Whastapps or calling workshops!

If you are thinking of launching a marketing campaign to publicize your products or services to businesses, you have a very easy and definitive tool. There are some programs that use a scrapper to extract information directly from the browser, simulating requests by Google Maps. This system may work but it is much slower and will only target a small area.

XTRACTOR is a simple and intuitive but very powerful software to extract all businesses from google maps (places) quickly. You will be able to draw the areas in which you want to extract (within a radius of up to 2000 meters), choose the business categories and simply press the Extract button. The program will make all the requests to the Google Places API and will show the results both on the map and in the list. You can get:

- Business name

- Web

- Phone

- Fake email (1)

- Address

- Latitude

- Longitude

(1) XTRACTOR uses the Google Places API but does not provide an email address. It uses an algorithm to propose a possible email for each business. Although it is possible that in 60% of cases it works, email campaigns are somewhat outdated as there is no guarantee that the recipients will read the messages. However, if the business has a mobile phone, it is almost certain that it will have Whastapp and in 95% of the cases it will read your messages.

How does it work?

XTRACTOR uses the Google Places API for free. But for this you have to enable an API key at You sign up for free, and establish a billing system (although you will not pay anything if you set a budget limit). You will receive 300USD for 30 days to spend on Google Cloud credits and 200USD each month to make the requests with XTRACTOR that you need.

XTRACTOR uses “Nearby Search” and “Contact Data” to extract business details. This means that you will be able to extract approximately 5000 deals with those 200 USD free each month.

If you have multiple accounts at you can use them at XTRACTOR to take advantage of the free credit for each one.

You can set price alerts and a maximum budget (even € 0) and Google will notify you by email when you get close to the total. You have all the detailed information here:

How do I create one or more Google Cloud accounts?

You have all the documentation with screenshots here:

Or you can follow the steps below:

- Access the Google Cloud Platform website

- Register for a Google Cloud Platform account, including your billing details

- Access the Dashboard tab for your account and click “APIs & Services”

- Click “ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES” and search “Places API”

- Before you can create a Google API key for the required Google Cloud Platform project, you must create and access the required project.

- Access the Dashboard tab for your Google Cloud Platform account and click “NEW PROJECT”

- After you have opened the required project in your dashboard, you can generate the Google API key for the project

- Access the Dashboard tab for your Google Cloud Platform account and click “APIs & Services” and then click Credentials

- Click the Create credentials pull-down menu and then select API Key

- The API key created dialog appears. Use this API key in XTRACTOR

How does the XTRACTOR license work?

- It’s very simple, when you install the program it will automatically ask you for your email and the envato purchase code (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)

- Click “Request license by email” and you will receive in your email the license that you must paste in “Your license key”. The license code is usually sent within a few minutes (it could take up to 12 hours depending on the number of requests). Remember to also check your SPAM folder.

- The license code is valid only for the email, envato purchase code and the machine on which it has been installed. If you want to install XTRACTOR on another machine, you must proceed with the purchase and follow these same instructions.

Do you have any questions or problems?

Write in the support ticket or contact and we will assist you as quickly as we can.

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