WordPress EDD Product Slider

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by Crevol


Edd Category Wise Product Slider is a wonderful plugin for Easy Digital downloads. Edd Product Slider allows you to add product sliders to your Easy Digital Downloads site. Product sliders will display for each category. This plugin has option to set categories for display product sliders.

EDD Product Slider Features-

  • Edd Product Slider allows to add product sliders for each category.
  • This plugin has option to set category for product slider.
  • Admin can set number of product in one row of slider.
  • Admin can set slider width, height and image width.
  • This plugin has option to add image for category.
  • This plugin has option to hide or show category name on slider page.
  • You can use [category_wise_product_slider] this short code for display product sliders.

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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