Wallpie - Wallpaper Application (Kotlin)

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by MustafaSalihEybek
Wallpie - Wallpaper Application (Kotlin)


Wallpie is an application which, users can find, download and apply wallpapers to customize their mobile device.

Admob is used to generate advertisements in the application, that way you can collect some earnings from your users.

Kotlin used as the main programming language while creating the app, developed in Android Studio, in addition to that latest android jetpack used to develop so the app runs way faster compared to other competitors.

The application is first designed by taking UI/UX into consideration to achieve a pixel perfect design and great user experience


Download the Admin APK:

What You’ll Get;

-Source Files

-Design files


-Admin application (A mobile app serves as an admin dashboard)

-Advertisement integration (Admob)

Developed for Android 4.2 or higher..

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