TheCorona is a coronavirus (covid 19) related medical prevention and awareness website content management system (CMS). This is built completely with PHP and MySQL. This CMS can be used for medical, hospital, clinic, doctor, government, volunteer organization etc. who try to help people to protect from the World Wide Corona Virus problem.
The outbreak and countrywise data are collected from different online sources like WHO, Google etc. using the Rapid API.
This CMS can easily be modified by most of the developers due to clean and easy coding system. It is strong against web vulnerabilities; and your website will be safe. Also in all pages, admin level security and invalid page url submission checking were done.
The script has the following features:
- Easy and simple interface to use
- Fully responsive for any kind of device
- Modern Design with Bootstrap 4
- Clean and understandable coding
- Secured coding against web vulnerabilities
- Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages
- Live Covid-19 CoronaVirus Statistics on the home page
- Email Setting with SMTP Configuration
- Online Product Selling
- PayPal and Stripe Integration
- Guest and Customer Checkout option
- Shipping Cost Management System
- Coupon Management System with Expiration and limitation
- Customer account creation and verification
- Customer forget password option
- Customer Panel Management
- Delivery Tracking by Customer
- Invoice Print by Customer and Admin
- Invoice Save as PDF by Customer and Admin
- Statistics of data in dashboard
- Home page sections show and hide features
- Home page slider section – setup as slider or statis image or video
- Newsletter section – email sent to subscribers when new post is created
- Email template management
- Unlimited news category and post management
- Unlimited news comment approval system
- Unlimited photo upload and management
- Unlimited video management with iframe code
- Unlimited page management
- Unlimited menu management with dropdown
- Unlimited symptom management
- Unlimited prevention steps management
- Unlimited FAQ management
- Unlimited Doctors management
- Unlimited Product management
- Completed and Pending Order management
- Order Delivery Tracking System Management
- Admin panel forget password option
- Meta title and description setup for SEO purpose for each post, page and category
- SEO friendly URL structure
- Social media URL setup for top bar and footer
- PHP version: 7.4 or higher
- PDO Extension
- GD Library
- cURL
- allow_url_fopen
- Mbstring
Front End URL:
Admin Panel Demo
Admin Login URL: /admin
Username: admin@gmail.com
Password: 1234
Customer Panel Demo
Customer Login URL: /login
Username: customer@gmail.com
Password: 1234
Update History
Version: 1.3 (18 October, 2021)
- Replaced ckeditor with summernote editor
- BASE_URL will not be auto grabbed. So no need to setup it manually.
- Home menu edit and on/off system added.
Version: 1.2 (25 April, 2020)
Added functionalities for a server where mod_rewrite is off. So this script will work now in those server where mod_rewrite is not activated.
Version: 1.1 (18 April, 2020)
1. Added A Complete Shopping Cart System (with Product, Cart, Checkout, Order and Payment).
2. PayPal and Stripe Payment Method Integrated.
3. Fixed the datatable in front and back end.
4. Fixed some responsiveness problem in front and back end.
Version: 1.0 (08 April, 2020)
Initial Release.
Note: Data will not saved in demo version.