Sphere : Live Video Wallpaper | Wallpaper app with admin panel | iOS - Laravel

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by RetryTech
Sphere : Live Video Wallpaper | Wallpaper app with admin panel | iOS - Laravel



Sphere : Live Video Wallpaper | Wallpaper app with admin panel | iOS - Laravel - 1


Sphere is an android live walllaper app having support to live video wallpapers, in-app purchase favourite lists, Admob and Facebook ads and elegant UI design. Anyone can create their own beautiful app using this template and save many hours.

Sphere app doesn’t make money only from ads for the publisher, but this app is included with in app purchase so publishers can make money by premium customers as well as ads.


Android Demo App: Click Here

iOS Demo App: 

Admin Panel Demo:

Username: tester | Password: tester123

Admin Panel Features:

  • Easily manageble Dashboard
  • Create and manage simple categories
  • Create and manage live wallpaper categories
  • Add live wallpapers (.MP4)
  • Add search tags to wallpapers
  • Multiple upload for simple image wallpapers
  • Manage subscription price
  • Managa ad units of admob
  • Manage miscellaneous settings

Android App Features:

  • See All, Simple and Live wallpapers
  • Explore categories and check wallpapers
  • Search for wallpapers
  • Search filters (Locked, Premium and All)
  • Watch rewarded video ads to unlock locked wallpapers
  • Favourite your wallpapers
  • Subscribe to PRO version to access premium resources

And Lot more…

To see all the features, please install the demo from the link below and go through all features to know all the features.






22 Nov 2022
Search issue on backend wallpaper table fix

13 June 2022
Minor Bug Solve

7 June 2022
Documentation Update

08 Feb 2022
POD updates

29 Oct 2021
Increase downloads count issue fixed 
How to set" preview video link added from YouTube

1 Oct 2021
Minor bug fixes

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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