Restaurant Review Flutter App with Admin Panel

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by primocys
Restaurant Review Flutter App with Admin Panel Flutter Food & Goods Delivery Mobile App template


Tazt – Restaurant Review Flutter App with Admin Panel

V1.0.0 | 30/09/2020
- Restaurant Review Flutter Android and iOS App with Admin Panel

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and IOS.

User Features:

  • Login & Register Screen
  • Forgot password
  • Reset password
  • Profile
  • Get current location
  • Show Restaurants kilometres from Current location
  • Multiple images and Menu show on each Restaurants
  • Show Menu images with zoom effect on each Restaurants
  • Show Restaurants Promo Codes
  • Explore All Restaurants Listing
  • Explore All Restaurants Listing on Google MAP
  • Filter based on Collections
  • Filter based on Rating
  • Filter based on Collections And Rating
  • Collections List
  • Collections Based Restaurants
  • Featured Restaurants show in Collections
  • Near By Restaurants
  • Popular Restaurants based on Rating
  • Add review and list all review
  • Add Rating
  • Rating Couting on Overall Ratings of Users
  • Users can check own rating
  • Wishlist
  • Show Restaurants Contact Number, URL And Address
  • Showing all review and rating on profile screen
  • Logout

Admin Panel (PHP codeigniter) Features:

  • Admin Login
  • Add/edit Vendors
  • Add/Edit/Delete Restaurants
  • Listing All review for specific Restaurants
  • Add/Delete review
  • Add Categories
  • Add YouTube embedded or MP4 Video in Restaurants
  • Assign Restaurants in Categories.


Fully Documentation: Click Here

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Password: 123456

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    • 360 degrees quality control
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