Build your awesome React Native Expo app from this easy to use app template.
Update 1.0.0 | 11/16/2022
1 – Fixed some Expo permission settings
BUYER (read before you buy)
Before you buy this app template, you should know this:
1 – You must have React Native knowledge or you must be inclined to learn it
2 – You need to be able to install React Native and its dependencies on your machine. To do that I recommend you to use the React Native official installation guide here
3 – You must have Expo knowledge or you must me inclined to learn it
4 – You also need to be able to install Expo and its dependencies on your machine. To do that I recommend you to use the Expo official installation guide here
5 – In order to modify the app template, you must have knowledge in mobile technologies such as TypeScript
To setup your project I’ve developed a document with step-by-step instructions. This document is located inside the app docs folder (“{projectName}/docs/index”). To see the instructions you just need to open it on your web browser.
1 – Radio player
2 – Background play
3 – Play/pause function
4 – Easy to implement and use
5 – Organized and clean code to help you understand
6 – Beautiful components like buttons and alerts, totally customizable
7 – Work over WiFi and 5g
Please contact me via e-mail if you have any trouble and/or feedback. I’ll be there to help your entire setup! See you soon.
SKYPE live:p.tupinambas
TWITTER @p_tupinambas
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